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Searched community but didn’t find enough details about such issue. Today ready for dev description of changes is available as very small detail in history of document timeline.

IMO it is not highlighted and accessible enough. Would be much better to treat it for each section/screen that was marked ready to dev as iteration note. This way each dev would have relevant description of changes at hand, before starting coding or checking updates which could be missed otherwise as history of the document is not pointing you in any particular direction.

Anyone with similar issue? or maybe I am missing something?

Hi @Jakub1, Thanks for sharing your thoughts about version history.

While I’m not entirely certain, but the “Compare changes” may be beneficial in your situation. You can find more information here: Compare changes in Dev Mode

Moreover, if you are on the Organization and Enterprise plans Dev Mode ready for dev view is available.

I hope this information proves helpful.

If any community members have additional insights, feel free to share them.

Thank you once again for reaching out!

Hey, this is something new that I missed. Almost exactly what I needed, thank you!

It would be nice I guess to have pending changes review like unread comments for devs that are coming back to the file after a while and work on specific part to go from regular dev mode UI to list of changes from last time they saw it?

Just ideas for later iteration for Figma team 🙂

Hi, Thank you for your response. I’m so glad to hear that!

Your suggestion is really exciting. Could you please share this idea at Share an idea - Figma Community Forum? I tried to move your last comment as a new post in that category, but perhaps you could come up with a better title to attract more attention.

Thank you!
