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Todos os meus projetos sumiram e so ficou os projetos recentes aparecendo oque fasso?

Hi @PedroFMG, Thank you for getting in touch with us about this. I’ll be responding in English, and I hope that’s alright with you.

Is there a possibility that the projects were part of a team that has been deleted?

Please take a moment to check your email, there might be a link to restore the deleted team. You can check more details here: Restore a deleted team

Also, would you mind taking a second look in the following places to see if you can find missing projects or any of the files from those missing projects?

For projects:

Please check every team you have access to. In Figma, projects and files are grouped within a team. If your team name has a dropdown icon next to it, you have access to more than one team(/organization). Click the icon to jump between them.

For files in the projects:

  • Drafts to move > Deleted drafts

  • Trash in the file browser’s sidebar for every team you have access to.

If you’re still unable to locate your projects/files, don’t hesitate to inform us.

In that case, I’ll go ahead and set up a support ticket for you so we can provide the personalized assistance necessary to address this issue.

When we create the support ticket, it would be great if you could have the URLs of the missing projects or files ready. You might be able to find these URLs through:

  • Your web browser’s history.

  • Any previous conversations where you might have shared the file with colleagues.

  • The ‘File > Recently Closed’ menu if you’re using the desktop app.

Hope it helps! Thank you for your assistance and understanding.
