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Hey all, I am teaching myself Figma for the first time on a small personal project.

I am sure I have made a simple mistake, but I cannot seem to figure it out.

I have a small triva game, and in it I made a simple component to hide a hint on any given question. It shifts to a “hidden” state when clicked. It can’t shift back as there is no reason to rehide the hint.

The issue is, when I open the next question - the hint instance in that overaly frame is already in the “hidden” state.)

This doesn’t seem to be the intent of the way components work - any idea where I went wrong.

Here is the file for reference

Hi, Matt.

After checking your file. It seems that Figma is overriding the instances. What you need to do is to change the name of your instances so Figma won’t override it or if you wan’t you can try using variables :

Edit: when I said change the name, i literally mean change the name like this


Ah! I see.

Thanks so much Raphael!

I was going to use variables, but my personal account is currently only a free account.

So I cannot use variables in prototypes at this time.
