Hey all, I am teaching myself Figma for the first time on a small personal project.
I am sure I have made a simple mistake, but I cannot seem to figure it out.
I have a small triva game, and in it I made a simple component to hide a hint on any given question. It shifts to a “hidden” state when clicked. It can’t shift back as there is no reason to rehide the hint.
The issue is, when I open the next question - the hint instance in that overaly frame is already in the “hidden” state.)
This doesn’t seem to be the intent of the way components work - any idea where I went wrong.
Here is the file for reference https://www.figma.com/file/dbOvIhLn97b2MfTP2yVl3Z/Kristin-Bachelorette?type=design&node-id=1%3A5&mode=design&t=W1kTan5Ha16vzJIG-1