Trying to figure out this issue myself, if you wouldn’t mind letting me know when you figure out how to achieve this! Im trying to make a table where there there are 3 frames and each should scroll with each other. One scrolls horizontal, the other scrolls vertical, and the last scrolls both directions, but all should scroll together in synchronization. Such as, when I move horizontally the one with both enabled will also move horizontally, and when i move vertically the one with both enabled moves vertically.
Not sure this is possible guys. Have tried but to no avail.
Seems like it should be a simple fix, tables are such a necessary attribute! Maybe through a boolean or function of some sort? I dunno, just throwing things out there at this point. Not very experienced in that field.
Maybe you could put them into one frame together on which the scroll is set to vertical?
Something like this?
Figma – 4 Oct 24
I think that works based on the original question! Is there anyway you know how one might do this for 3 frames? One horizontal, one vertical and one in both directions, but all tied to scroll at the time if in a direction that frame is capable. I’ve made a post you could maybe help with? Similar to this but a bit different… Multidirectional shared scrolling IE grid layout