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Hi folks!

I used some components from other files in my project, and even though I removed them, I still see some Variables available in the “Page → Modes”. They are not available anywhere else. It doesn’t affect the project; when I select one, change the page, and then return to it, that mode is selected.

I checked my file, and nothing leads to the other file anymore – no styles, variables, components, etc.

It seems like a bug, and I see some variables pulled from another file, but can I remove it somehow?


doesnt work for me either,

Hey All, sorry for the continued trouble and frustration!

If the Detach deleted variables quick command does not work, the remaining ghost variables you’re seeing are still present because they’re still actively being used from collections within your design components and/or deleted color styles.

Be sure to review your file for variables that are being used across multiple pages. We understand how this can be confusing, especially when you have multiple collections with similar names and modes, making it difficult to differentiate between them.

Unfortunately, the team confirmed that we don’t have an automatic solution to fix this or a simple way to view which variables come from what collections. But in order to completely remove ghost variables, you’ll need to manually remove all instances of those variables from your file.

If you need help locating old variables that are still being referenced in nodes on the canvas and are able to share your file with us, please do so here:

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, share edit access with, and our Technical Quality team can help you locate and remove the old variables.

Same problem! Please find a solution to easily remove them completely!

i found solution with dead instances of used variables. First of all Figma didn’t respect hidden layers for “detaching deleted variables” as “reset variable modes in selection”, Figma also dont show hidden layer color in selected colors panel since hidden layers not selected.

Also this dead or old hidden layers across components forse Figma to show old/dead modes.

So to get rid of dead modes you need

  1. Select all in page

  2. Reset variable modes in selection.

  3. Detach deleted variables.

    wait till Figma did a thing and after that wait for Figma did all background updates.

  4. Check if “Dead mode” was removed (in my case it removed in 90% cases).

  5. if “Dead mode” still exist > look for hidden layers and remove them or reconnect to correct variable.

i get rid of Dead mode for about 30 min with this steps.


My ghost variables came down a button where I had deleted the master component, but had a modified version in my library. When I restored the component master, removed ghost variables, it all cleaned up for me.

But a more robust way of finding ghost variables would be appreciated.

I deleted every page, but there are still two ‘Used variables’ collections in this file. It’s really frustrating.

The same issue here it is still in UI3. I tried the quick command but it does not work.

I am still facing this Ghost variable issue Does anyone know how to remove them? Will appreciate thanks


yeah it is kind of ridiculous that after 2y this bug still exists … some heavy flaws in the modelling here …

Please, Figma, Fix this issue. I want to copy components from a file to another and it’s impossible to make it without importing a full set of ghost variables. I’ve tried to use a “bridge new document” where I remove manually all the variables, and then, copy and paste the components in the Figma file I need… and variables are still in there. No makes sense at all.

I’m trying to be creative: I created a history version point. Then import the components, remove manually the variables of every single layer. Once all the layers have any link with any variable, copy all the components again. After that, I restored the history version I created previously and paste the cleaned components… And it seems to work but some layers are removed and don’t appear. It’s clear that you have a real bug with this.

Hey, just to add to the pain point here: bringing in components from files with the same variable architecture will NOT allow the file-specific variables to overwrite the previous mode(s). Won’t see the local variables, on any level. First test was to try to apply mode in mass; the local modes were literally not available in the dropdown. Go to the most granular level and build up by applying the specific, new-file, updated-design variable, which then show up and LOOK right, will not reset what modes are listed as available or note the local variables are attached in Figma. Using Tokens Studio, and that add-on CAN see and CAN change and what’s developed out of it WILL work. It’s just Figma.

It impacts as I build, as others come in to use the libraries I’m building, as devs try to develop from the libraries I’m building, and as we try to ensure that tokens will be applied in production in a way to absorb design chances fluidly. It’s not a little thing. It really needs attention.

Hi, as a Figma user I would like to easily detach all components, styles, and variables on selected frame (hidden layers included), so that I can hand over my design from one project to another without the risk to mess up a different design system.

Thanks! 🙏
