Since a few days, when going to main component in library, it shows me the good page, but focus is not set on the selected component. Is it a bug? something mine?
Thanks in advance!
Since a few days, when going to main component in library, it shows me the good page, but focus is not set on the selected component. Is it a bug? something mine?
Thanks in advance!
It still misbehaves. Just encountered this bug a few seconds ago.
Still having this issue very frequently.
Hey @Mathieu11, sorry to hear you’re still experiencing this issue!
Are you able to confirm if this is happening in the desktop app, the browser or both?
Does this happen to a specific file or all you files?
Can you clear out the cache? Also, please try to force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window (or force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it.)
Hi @Gayani_S Thanks for the tips! I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue these last few days (I really should have noted which components triggered this). Once I do, I’ll let you know.
@Gayani_S Found another example, and your instructions solved the issue, thank you very much!
This was happening in the app. Using a browser I’m not normally using for Figma, the behaviour was different, as the Restore Component prompt appeared. Clearing the cache and restarting the app solved the issue, i.e., the Restore Component prompt appeared there too.
Hey @Mathieu11, glad to hear clearing the cache and restarting resolved your issues.
Feel free to reach out if you should run into any further issues!
I’ve got this problem which I haven’t noticed until recently. It’s now Oct 2024. I’m also using legacy UI, because I’m too busy to deal with a new UI right now, if that makes any difference.
Hey @Glennis1, I’m sorry to hear you’re running into this issue!
Community members have mentioned that clearing the cache and force-quitting Figma, then reopening it in a new browser window or restarting the desktop app, has helped resolve the problem. Have you had a chance to try that yet?
If that doesn’t work, could you confirm a couple of things for me?
Thanks in advance!
I have a similar issue after migrating hundreds of components.
When I click go to main component, it links to the file but doesn’t zoom to the main component.
I cut and pasted the components from my project file to a design system file.
Published both files but seems like it’s not the issue.
I tried clearing cache, restart and opening it on desktop app and browser but it doesn’t work.
Hi @Megan_Kam, thank you so much for going through those troubleshooting steps already—I know it’s frustrating when nothing seems to resolve the issue. I’ve gone ahead and created a support ticket for you; your ticket number is #1168790.
Please share your file link with the support team, to investigate what’s causing this.
Our team typically responds within 24 hours, though with the current high volume, there might be a slight delay. Thank you for your patience, and we’ll do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible!
Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or need further assistance in the meantime.
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