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Fix launched: Figma incorrectly sharing to selection


There is a bug in the copy link to selection function.

When using the pop up menu and selecting “copy link to selection” it will copy the link to the exact thing that I’ve selected (yay!)

The “copy link to selection” function also has a shortcut key, ⌘L (yay!)

When using the ⌘L shortcut the link copied only points to the frame/section that the selected object is within, not the original selection. This means that the pop up menu option and the shortcut for that menu option will point to two different links (boo!)

38 replies

Hi team!

Not sure how long this has been the case but when I copy a link using the “copy link” button it shares the file but does not centre to the selected screen any more.

Using a UK MacBookPro A2780

Both in the app and the browser

Sharing the browser link from the address bar still shares to selection.

  • 9 replies
  • July 15, 2024

I’m having the same issue in a chrome browser. When I share a link to a frame, it creates a link to the first page of the file instead. I select my frame, share, copy link, paste into a message


I have the same issue and have sent a support ticket. No resolution yet


judging by the way they work, the answer won’t come soon


I have a manual work-a-round.

  1. Take the general URL that is missing the Node-ID:
  2. Delete the text after the ? so you will have something like this:
  3. Next use a plugin for finding the Node-ID for a selected frame/wrapper. I needed to use Debugger Plugin the Node Inspect plugin kept crashing my file.
  4. Take that node-id: something like this 7331:56805
  5. Now update the main URL with node-id=#####
  6. Update to look something like this:

  • Community Support
  • 4597 replies
  • July 16, 2024

Hey All, sorry to hear this!

I just tried to reproduce the issue on the app and in the browser, but it’s still generating a link to the selection as expected on my end.

Just to be sure I’m taking the same steps, are you both doing the following?

  1. Make a selection on the canvas
  2. Click the Share button
  3. Click “Copy link” to generate a link to your selection

Have you tried using the right-click menu or macOS shortcut (Cmd + L)?

  • 4 replies
  • July 17, 2024

Thanks for the great workaround, I can confirm this works fine for me.
Good solution so I can share links again but I still hope there is a proper fix for this. I have some more observations so I will share them in separate entry.


My team have been having issues with Figma’s share functionality not linking to the Frame that has been selected before hitting ‘Share’.

This is the workflow:

Frame is selected > Hit Share > Hit Copy Link (Observe 'Share to selection “[Frame name]” appears at the top of the dialog box) > Paste link elsewhere, e.g. Jira > Click link > Link opens the first Page of the Figma file rather than the Frame that was selected.

It appears to be working intermittently, but has been causing havoc in our Jira tickets as the person copying the link to the frame is presuming it will link to the frame they’ve selected. We’ve now got several Jira tickets containing user stories that all link to the first Page of the Figma file and not the frame being described in the user story.

Anyone else having this issue?


Here, we’ve got the same issue.


I am also experiencing this issue. We place cover pages at the top of our layers, and it links to the cover page every time. This is only occurring when I share a frame or section in the editor. If I share the location in a prototype it will link correctly.


I am also having this issue when using the Share button in the top right. Right-click menu “Copy link to selection” seems to be working though.

Hi dvaliao!

The first path through the share button is sharing only a link to the first page in my file

The second path through "copy/paste as
works as intended

  • 11 replies
  • July 18, 2024

Does anyone else find sharing button not working with direct links to frames (when selected). I’ve only been able to generate a working direct link to a frame with right clicking and selecting copy link. The share button no longer works.

  • Community Support
  • 4597 replies
  • July 18, 2024

Thanks for the additional context, @Eric_Strubinger and @Tatton_Morgana_UX_Designer!

I’ll pass this bug onto the team to investigate.

  • 1 reply
  • July 18, 2024

Same here. The frame/section link redirects to the cover page.


Thanks for the replay, Eric. Yes we do the same with the cover pages. It just links directly to the cover instead of the frame. I have found a temporary workaround if you share the frame via the right click menu. Right click frame > Copy/Paste as > Copy link to selection. This seems to produce consistent results.


We have encountered the same problem.
A more efficient workaround that works for us is to use CMD+L with the frame selected to generate the link. Unlike the link from the “Share”-menu, this contains the node ID und links to the frame.


Same issue here.

  • 4 replies
  • July 23, 2024

That works perfect.


Having the same issue here. The share modal indicates the link is for the specific section, but when the link takes you to the first page of the file.

Edit: Phil’s workaround above works for me, too.


I’m having the same issue too. Seems like a bug


Yep, I’m experiencing the same problem. There’s another thread where people are reporting this as well here: Potential Bug: Share button not linking to the frame that has been selected

  • Author
  • 1 reply
  • July 26, 2024

I am wondering if there are two issues here being conflated?
Some people in the thread are reporting an issue with the “share button”, my specific issue is related to the keyboard shortcut on the pop up menu that comes from right clicking on a selection. Just flagging that for clarity! Thanks for looking into this - it will make my life so much easier yaaay!

  • Community Support
  • 4597 replies
  • July 26, 2024

Thanks for clarifying that, @Grace_M!

I’ll be sure this is noted for the team as they continue to investigate and work on a fix. 🙂

  • 4 replies
  • July 29, 2024

Just got an update to my support ticket from Figma.
It looks like issue is solved.


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