There’s a new beta released today 102.9, feels a little bit snappier, but too soon to tell.
Seems initial loading animations have been modified to mitigate RAM usage.
Did not change much for me…
Same, still need to close tabs…
I have the same and with Only ONE tab) Just a big project
I can confirm that this issue occurs for me on both, Linux and MacOS.
On Linux, it eats up all 8 GB of my laptop’s RAM and it does the same on MacOS. (16 GB of RAM!)
Figma team, could you please take a look at this bug?
The product is unusable!
Same, now it’s even worse, latest version is using over 12GB of RAM…
not sure what has changed but I’m now back to 200MB
Is it the same for you??
No change for me EdwardB, if anything it has gotten worse. My Mac has 16GB of RAM as specified in my original post and Figma occupies 12-16GB very consistently, regardless of how many files / tabs I may have open.
I’ve realised that using sensei (a mac app) to monitor the Mac and I delete the figma daemon that starts when your Mac starts and since it’s not using the memory, not sure if this might be the cause but so far I have 10 tabs and no memory overuse*emphasized text
Did not fix actually. Still the same issue
Can confirm - Figma is unusable due to this issue on Firefox or Chrome or Linux App. RAM usage goes upto 14GB.
I’m on release 104.1 now, memory consumption is still incredibly high but it is at least more usable than before. However I have numerous large projects I need to jump between and I frequently will have to reload tabs or close the project and reopen because it has become completely unresponsive.
I also have the same issue. I’ve been trying many different things, like having just one file opened, etc.
The thing that seems to work temporarily is to force quit the app and reopen it. That’s the only way I can use the app without having the issue happen again. Sad. 😫
I’m running version 104.1 on macOS Mojave - Macbook Pro Core I7 2.8 GH + 16 Gb RAM.
Several weeks ago I didn’t have this problem anymore (I think…). I reviewed my internet speed connection and I noticed that there was a problem with that. So I fixed it from the router settings (I just switch on / off / on 4G and 5G settings). Also I updated a little bit Mac version with the last update.
In addition (and this is not spam) I started to use another browser-based in chromium call sidekick, it helps me at work, and Brave for my personal searches.
Now I’m able to have several windows open and have video calls as well with the Figma desktop app open at the same time.
Downloaded latest Figma Beta (105.1) and the issue is still present, thought the issue will be improved but no.
Opened one file, and RAM jumps up, it is already using over 4 GB. One file.
Same with 16GB RAM. It’s just crashing my memory.
Same issue here Figma takes up all my 8GB memory on my 2015 Macbook Air i7 Catalina, most of the time I can’t even drag a box.
To my surprise I open the same file on my 2009 mac mini with the same 8GB RAM Catalina Patcher, it runs smoothly.
Both machines on Figma 10.4.1
Anyone from Figma care to look into this?
Hi all, Figma started to consume a lot of RAM. Before it was fine, yesterday I had 8 files open and my mac started to heat up. In processes for each open file appears Figma Renderer, which consumes a lot of RAM. Figma version is the latest + mac is updated too.
Having this issue as well.
Four docs open, two tiny, two are larger but still only around 0.1 G.
This is running on a 13" 2020 M1 MBP, stock 8GB RAM, no external monitor. I did upgrade my internet connection from 100mb to 1gb recently so a network-related issue makes sense.
Any official response from Figma yet? I only do quite light Figma work on this machine but with only Figma, Slack and Chrome (with a few GSuite tabs open) running (plus Finder and Activiy Monitor) I’m getting system notifications that the machine has run out of memory.
Same here. MacBook Pro 2018, i5, 8GB RAM. Surprisingly, it doesn’t seem to be a problem for my colleagues working on the MacBooks Air M1.
Same problem here, but just when using Vivaldi and Chrome browsers.
Tested on Firefox and Brave, and they’re using about 400~500mb ram. In Vivaldi, the ram usage grows to 8~9gb ram.
Is this related to some kind of hardware aceleration in browser? Or anything else?
Tested again, and it has no patterns. Using same project on Firefox, sometimes it consumes 6gb ram, sometimes consumes 500mb. Weird.
100mb internet connection, cable.
I have tried Firefox too, but after a while RAM starts to balloon.
I went through all the comments on this post and haven’t heard one thing from the Figma team. They need to take notes from the folks over at Webflow in how they respond in their community forums! This issue is a big deal.
Yep. You’re right Ralph, it’s been radio silence since I lost my initial engineer connection back in September of last year. I think we should continuously add feedback to this thread and also file support requests as well to log the severity of the issue. I have found that some of the more recent updates have at least made Figma usable, but it still is drawing way too many resources overall.