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Hello everyone, I’m trying to discern what the underlying issue is here. This has only been really presenting itself as a problem in the past few days, but for some reason almost any Figma project I have open winds up consuming essentially all of my system memory.

I’ve noticed that this happens regardless of how many project files I have open. While I’m not experiencing any crashing of the application, it does bring my work laptop to a grinding halt and creates an essentially unusable experience. Is there any reason Figma is utilizing so much memory? Are our working files just too large?

For reference, I’m using the desktop app on macOS 10.15.7 and as far as I am aware this is the latest version available.

I’m really scratching my head over this one as to why it’s popped up as an issue so suddenly. Granted this Macbook Pro is just a base configuration, so it may just be a performance limitation, but I wouldn’t expect Figma to be stressing the machine out worse than Adobe’s Creative Suite. Any insight is most welcome! Please let me know if you need any specific information.

Thanks Figma Community!

Same problem here! Just 1 file and 7gb of RAM used and Figma team keeps in silence. It’s so frustrating!

@poiru @raquino ? any updates?

Chiming in. MBPro 14", M1 Pro, 16GB RAM. Crushes everything I throw at it, but a few files open in Figma (desktop application) slowly grows and grows until memory pressure grinds the machine to a halt.

To be very clear, Figma is 100% the culprit per memory usage analysis. In my anecdotal experience, this is a big change from a few months ago, where I feel like I could have a ton of files open, mix of vector and bitmap data, and didn’t run into this situation even once. -_-

Interesting Justin! So in your experience you did not previously experience memory constraints just a few months ago? Did you upgrade to the M1 Pro in that time? I haven’t had a ton of opportunity to test figma on my own M1 Pro mac, but as you can see from this thread it has been a long term issue for many of us on previous gen machines.

My figma app is only crashing when viewing only one frame!

I’m running a library with two languages, the English frames in all pages works smoothly, however, and likewise for all Arabic pages, however only one frame is causing the crash!

I also tried to copy only one frame (without viewing it) to a new Figma file and I still get a memory full error.


Having the same problem with Monterey (OS X 12.1) When I check in Activity Monitor it’s just dominated by several instances of Figma Helper (Renderer). Apparently I can’t upload a screengrab here (I get an error message saying I can’t include media), so here’s what’s happening right now (all at the same time)

  • Figma Helper (Renderer) 1,74 GB

  • Figma Helper (GPU) 1,23 GB

  • Figma Helper (Renderer) 269 MB

  • Figma Helper (Renderer) 183 MB

  • Figma 140 MB

  • Figma Helper (Renderer) 75 MB

  • Figma Helper 63 MB

  • Figma Agent 12 MB

Is all this, you know, really necessary? 🙂 It’s getting hard to do basic things like have video calls at the same time (important for me because often I’m using video to share my screen and talk about the work in Figma).

Hey Abram! Actually I was using an M1 Mac Mini since they launched, and there I really don’t recall a single instance of Figma crushing my RAM like it is currently. So yes, I can say that this has been happening only while I’ve been using the newer M1 Pro 14" MBPro, but I can’t say for sure whether the hardware is a factor here. -__-

I’m unable to watch the video clip you shared, but are you getting a “Memory Full” notification in Figma itself or is macOS notifying you that you’ve run out of application memory.

If it’s the former, it’s possible that particular file has run into the 2GB file size limitation within Figma.

Each instance of Figma Helper (Renderer) is a project file that you have open currently, this is a similar process to having several tabs open in Google Chrome.

Not the case for me - in the example I posted a little way upthread (Figma Helper (Renderer) is using excessive memory, why? - #45 by Samuel_Baker), I had four documents open but seven instances of Figma Helper (Renderer) showing in activity monitor.

Also the memory they are taking is completely disproportionate to the file size - the largest document I had open in that example was 0.1 GB, and the processes were taking 1.43 GB, 653.6 MB, etc.

In my case the memory errors I was getting were OS errors, not from Figma. The machine was also struggling to wake from sleep, etc.

The video I shared was a case of a single frame that caused Figma total memory error. I tried to copy this frame by selecting it from the sidebar, not from the view/edit screen. Because the moment I move towards that frame and view it, the app will crash!

I pasted this frame into a new project file, I closed Figma and reopened the new one, and the app crashed again.

Yeah, I wondered that about Renderer and number of files, but after I restarted the computer and restarted Figma with only one file open, I still got several instances of Renderer running 😕

Did you try to copy & paste the link without the quotations ()? the link is working for me!

For some weird reason, the crash happens for only one frame! If you can send me your email address, I’ll share with you that Figma file

I was able to get it to work I just had to check from a personal machine (we don’t use Dropbox at work). Now THAT is something I’ve not experienced, that’s an interesting issue that one particular frame triggers the memory full issue. But I do feel like that’s a separate problem from what the rest of this thread is experiencing. You should definitely start a new thread for this one and gain some visibility!

Thanks Abram

@Figma_Support are you listening to our pain?

I’m not even able to use my mac because of this. Since last week Figma started to consume a ton of memory out of nowhere. Haven’t experienced this before. The only change I made is to start using the Figma Tokens plugin. Wonder if that has to do anything with this.

@Figma_Support help please

@Figma_Support this issue is killing my productivity. Has anyone looked into it?

Experiencing this too.

I’m experiencing the same issue within Figma and also Chrome. By limiting all of my plug-in/extension access in Chrome the cpu usage of Chrome greatly decreased.

I thought hey, maybe this is the problem with Figma too? BUT, because you can’t edit Figma plug-in permission/usage, I deleted all of my plug-ins. It did the trick. Now I can use Figma, Zoom and Chrome simultaneously without any lag.

It’s not an elegant solution, and probably quite annoying for some (most?). I’m hoping Figma can create editable permissions for plug-ins so we can limit their background usage without having to delete them!


This has been a minor issue over the last year, with my fan becoming very loud in meetings. Only recently its become a problem with zoom repeatedly crashing.

I’ve had this same issue for about a week now.

MacOS Monterey (12.3.1)

16GM Ram

8-Core Intel Core i9

From activity monitor:

  • Figma Helper (Renderer) 84% of CPU

It basically makes my computer unusable. The fan is so loud I feel like I’m sitting next to a jet. @Figma_Support What’s up? I don’t understand how this issue has been reported for almost a year now and there hasn’t been a single response in this thread.

@Figma_Support just started with this issue, please fix as it turn my computer unusable

I’m getting the same issue now.

With my new Macbook pro M1 pro…

It forces me to close all files and keep only few opens.
