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Hi, we have a professional license in our organization, there are two of us and we both requested the Beta. One of us sees the beta correctly, while the other does not. In the admin section we both see the AI ​​beta enablement information. Why?

Hey @Filippo8, thank you for reaching out! I can see you’re on the professional plan and I understand how frustrating and confusing this situation must be when your college has access to AI beta and you haven’t received it yet.

Right now, Figma AI is in a limited beta, and access is being rolled out gradually to teams. Unfortunately, we can’t manually add users to the beta, but please rest assured that access will be available to everyone over the coming months. Once your team is eligible, you’ll receive an in-app notification with details about how to get started.

You can explore this Help Center article for more information about the feature.

If you received a notification, I recommend double-checking your teams in the sidebar (under the team picker) to ensure none of your teams already have access. The AI features are enabled on a team-by-team basis, so it’s worth confirming if they might be available in a specific team space.

I know this delay is frustrating, but we’ll ensure you’re kept in the loop, and I’ll be here to help with any other questions or concerns in the meantime.

Thank you,

