Hey @Estelle_Burnichon the same thing happened to me and I found out that I have an alternative \ (back slash key) on my keyboard. Since you’re using a azerty keyboard, I could suggest you see where \ (back slash key) key would be placed on a qwerty keyboard. For me it’s located just left side of my Enter key.
Thank you so much, I thought I was going crazy!
I didn’t know about this key, and it worked 🙌
So command +
even though my menu shows
command + .` (and thank you for the clarification on the location of the key on my keyboard, it helped a lot).
Have a good day!
Genuinely glad I could help 🙂
On Windows, Ctrl + \ is the shortcut and it doesn’t work.
Normal QWERTY keyboard btw.
Same here. Windows, Ctrl + \ isn’t working though Ctrl + Alt + \ is working just fine
I’ve figured out that the problem was a conflicting 1Password shortcut and 1Password running in the background. So, for anyone experiencing the same issue while using the standard English layout checking the conflicting shortcuts of background apps is my recommendation.
Hi! I’m from Argentina and I work with a spanish keyboard. For me it worked with “ctrl + .”
On Spanish keyboards is ’ Cmd + . ’
On French AZERTY keyboard (macOS Sonoma), it works when you press the ’ < ’ key.
It looks like the behaviour is not the same depending on the version of macOS.
Hi Figma team!
The show/hide UI keyboard shortcut was “§” for me until a recent update (I think on Friday 8th March last week)
This no longer works for me, but the shortcut is still displayed as “§” in all menus
The shortcut is now “Command + .”, which I found when searching for this shortcut on here. Is there any way that I can make my show/hide UI shortcut be “§” again, as the interface tells me it is?
Thank you,
show/hide ui shortcut § is not working for me as well. HAs this now been changed then to “Command + .”
Hi there!
Sorry for the trouble about this issue with the Show/hide UI shortcut.
To take a closer look here:
- Does the issue happen in all browsers and the desktop app?
- Can you please confirm your device type and OS version?
- Can you confirm which keyboard layout you are using in Figma?
To do this you can go to Help > Keyboard Shortcuts> Layout tab
The shortcut to show/hide the UI is slightly different for certain keyboard layouts and you can verify what the expected shortcut is for your layout in the “View” tab.
You can also see a list of shortcuts sorted by keyboard layout in this article:
Remapped shortcuts
If your keyboard layout seems to have (§) mapped to Show/Hide UI and the shortcut is still not working except with the "Command + ", please let us know!
Please verify first that your keyboard layout in Figma and your system keyboard are setting with the same country.
Hi, I just downloaded the latest update of the app and the Show/Hide UI shortcut is not working anymore.
I’m working on a 2019 Macbook Pro 16’ (Intel) with MacOS Sonoma.
My keyboard is set to Spanish, and although the shortcut is indicated as the usual key, it doesn’t respond when I press it. The key functions normally in any other environment, and I’ve tried hitting it by using the accessibility keyboard onscreen without any results.
Anyone is experiencing the same issue? Could someone help me?
In the settings panel is still set to the same hotkey as previous versions. However, at least with a Norwegian keyboard, the hotkey does not work.
version 116.17.11 Apple Silicon
For the german keyboard it says that you should press this key “^” but it actually is the chevron key “<” that you need to press. Pretty confusing.
It’ is still documented as “@” for Azerty in the application Help. But indeed, the “<” key seems to work. And in the “View” menu it is hinted that it should be the “2” key, but it does not work…
Hello, I’m using a macbook pro 2022 so the Hide/Show UI shortcut is @, I’m experiencing the same problem
Which keyboard language are you using? Did this happen after installing the latest update? Its making me mad! I’ve really been trying and can’t find a way to solve it!
Hey both,
Thanks for the details!
Our team is investigating a recent increase in reports of issues with this shortcut in the desktop app for users using MacOS Sonoma.
Additionally, kindly ensure that both your desktop operating system and Figma application are up to date with the latest versions. Please let us know which version you are currently using.
@Benny_Stuhler @Kasper_Borgbjerg Can you confirm which device type (and OS Version if you are on Mac) are you using? You can find it by clicking in your menu in the top left the apple logo > About this Mac > A window will pop up
Here below, the macOS is Sonoma 14.3.1:
Is it happening in browser, desktop app or both?
Also, one more question to @Kasper_Borgbjerg : does the key “Command +” works on your end as others said previously?
This will help us to have more additional contexts to our open bug report (if it only affects MacOS Sonoma or not). And, we will let you know once we have any updates.
In the meantime, as a workaround you can try using the “<>” keys to show/hide the UI.
Thank you for your patience while the team investigates further!
Hi Celine,
This happens for me in all browsers and the desktop app
My device is a 16 inch 2023 Apple M2 Pro running Mac OS Sonoma Version 14.3.1 (23D60)
I am using a detected UK MacBook Keyboard, which is correct as my MacBook is a UK MacBook with UK keyboard layout
The shortcuts display tells me that the show/hide UI shortcut is “§”, which worked until last Friday
The actual keyboard shortcut Is “command + .”
Apple M1 Pro
Sonoma 14.2.1
the “<>” works as well as “Cmd .”
again I have a Norwegian keyboard
Thanks for all the details, I add in our bug report!
@Kasper_Borgbjerg is it happening only in your desktop app, browser or both?
I’m using the built-in AZERTY keyboard of the macbook
Same problem here with a French AZERTY keyboard layout.
It still appears in essential shortcuts though