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I need help finding my files. I’m a User Experience Designer and a file from my company disappeared. Our Figma contains years of work history and I’m afraid of losing more complex projects. Can you help me find the missing file and prevent additional losses?

Hey Rafaela,

Thanks for reaching out to the community! If your file was not deleted permanently, the good news is you should be able to restore it, as we don’t permanently delete files from Figma unless you manually click “delete forever” or if you delete the team or project that the file was in. (you can find more information about this here:

You will be able to restore the file by opening your Drafts then opening the Deleted tab. Right click on the file and click Restore . The file will then be restored to the project it originally resided in.

To see all available files that can be restored, please make sure that you also set the “Created by” filter to “anyone” rather than “you.” You, and anyone else who had access to edit that file should be able to find it and restore it this way.

Here’s a guide from our Help Center with more information on how to delete and restore files:

Tips: The “Created by” filter might be extra helpful here, by selecting “by anyone”.

If after checking on your Deleted section, you are not able to find it, I’d recommend you to reach out to the support team with a link of your so we can have a deeper look at it by filling this form:

Hope it helps!

This is not work! I feel like you guys aren’t listening to your users. People are posting the same issue in the forum and other channels. It’s a bug! My file disappeared. I was working on it and closed Figma to update it, and then it was gone. More people are reporting the same problem!

Hey Rafaela,

I hear you and understand your frustration. I saw in our backend that you have filled out a ticket. Our support team will investigate it asap, thanks for your patience in the meantime and your understanding 🙏

Hey Rafaela,

I saw in our back end that your ticket has been solved! Happy that we’ve found a fix for you. 🙂

For visibility to the community, here, it was an issue on permission as you don’t own this file and the team it was on was deleted, which deletes the files. The workaround was to restore the team in order to be able to restore the file.

Yes!! We followed the team’s instructions and we managed to restore it! I am so, so grateful, the project is very important and is about to be presented to the client. Thank you for your quick response and investigation of the problem!

Hi Rafaela - I’m noticing this as well and my ebook template has gone. Thought I was going mad!

Can you give us an idea of what you did to fix it please?


Stu, what happened was a huge mix-up: when trying to delete personal projects, one of the users accidentally deleted part of the project and the entire team that was assigned to the company project. So, we were instructed by the support team to restore the team through the user who deleted it.

My drafts also disappeared, I didn’t delete them in any way, they disappeared by themselves.

Hi, my file disappeared too, maybe the update or something but it’s not even on deleted tab

Hey @Manu_Canales ,

Sorry to hear this is happening! If you can’t find it on the Deleted tab (and also when you select “by anyone” on “Created by” filter), I’d recommend you to reach out to the support team with a link of your file so we can investigate it further here:

Be also sure to use your Figma account email. Thank you!

Hi @Celine_Figma I had the same issue today where my file disappeared without any trace.I really need it back because there was a lot of work stored in it.

Hey @Sara_Osmani , sorry for your trouble!

Can you double check first in your deleted tab (in Drafts), and set the “Created by” filter to “anyone” rather than “you” as mentioned here:

@Celine_Figma Yes, I double check and there is nothing, is missing a whole section on the project

Thanks for letting me know! Please reach out directly to our support team, they may be able to check where your file is located. Please make sure to share the link of your file to the support team and use your Figma account email by filling this form: Thank you!

Hi @Celine_Figma, I’m experiencing the same issue. The file seems to have disappeared from my workspace and I can’t locate it in the Deleted tab either. Even when I select ‘by anyone’ on the ‘Created by’ filter, there’s no trace of it. I’ve also reached out to the support team but haven’t received a response yet. This is causing quite a disruption to my workflow, and I’m eager to find a resolution.

@Celine_Figma what if my topic exist more then 2 days?? and Figma files are still unreacheble? How can I draw support’s attention to my post?

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay on our response. We are experiencing higher than usual ticket volumes.

I see on our backend that the support team is investigating your cases cc @Rita10 @Gustavo5 . Please continue the conversation via the ticket. Thanks!

I’ve gone ahead and closed the topic here as your cases are follow-up by our team, and the initial question in this thread has been solved.

For others who may encounter an issue, please create a new topic. Thank you!