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LAUNCHED: Add the option to set the size of texts in local variables


The new variable updates have arrived, and we can explore many things. However, including text properties may not be feasible. We have multiple projects here, each using different fonts and sizes. Additionally, we create various responsive layouts to adapt to different screens and devices.

He goes a example of how we adapt the font styles in the projects:

How am I supposed to use size variables, line breaks, and other updates if I can’t adapt my texts together? How am I supposed to create general tokens for a project if I can’t update the fonts according to the chosen theme? How can I scale my project automatically if I have to manually handle each font?

And it doesn’t end there; the new text variables are not editable like the previous updates. Instead of being helpful, they become hindrances. For instance, if I want to create content in different languages, I have to manually create them one by one.

I am urging the Figma community and its developers to consider this possibility, as it would be of great use and assistance in optimizing responsive projects and accommodating different types of branding for the same company.

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47 replies


Yeah, this thing is one of most desireable to get ASAP, because tokens & variables system is great but I can’t use its’ complete potential without ability to control font size as variables. Current text style thing has no inherit abilities and way more complex than a single value!

  • 5 replies
  • June 25, 2023

Searched for this forum to open this thread.

I love the new variables, they work great for margin and padding, and with the modes I can quickly adapt my components to the screen size.

But to make this truly powerful and useble I need to be able to use a number variable for text size and/or line height.

It would help or workflow a lot and it would help to clean up our text style collection.



Huge for us as well. We do lots of responsive websites, and to be able to just define the frame as a desktop, tablet or mobile theme and have it inherit the right sizes would be fantastic.


Font Size Variables would help everyone in the community. @figma should consider adding them soon.

  • 5 replies
  • July 4, 2023

I Love the solution Jairo proposed here: Variables on font sizes - #3 by Jairo


I believe in one of the config talks they said variables were coming to more elements, presumably font attributes.

  • 2 replies
  • July 7, 2023

Yep, that is one of the next things to be released. I am surprised they didn’t release it with the initial beta release. Seems pretty crucial.

This is what I was hoping the ‘Number’ variable was to be used for: font size (especially in REM)! But unfortunately it doesn’t work, so I’m left to create “Text Styles” instead. Not ideal. Really want to be able to change font size/line height and other text values as variables, since text is the most used element on screen. Hopefully once it gets out of Beta it will have that option

any progress?

  • 4 replies
  • July 19, 2023

Looking for this feature too! As we’re making design tokens for typography, and would like to be able to apply the Number variables to Type properties like font-size, font-weight, line-spacing, line-height


It was in their announcement -


This would be huge! Variables have been a game changer, but agree that its max potential cannot be met until font sizing is made available. Looking forward to the release!

  • 3 replies
  • August 1, 2023

PLUS on this from me as well!


Add me to the pile that needs this. Any idea when it might be coming? Variable all the things!


+1 here as well ! Would be a huge simplification of a responsive design process.


This needs to happen asap

  • 2 replies
  • August 7, 2023

+1 on needing this feature!

+1 on needing this feature! Looking forward to it

It is very frustration when you publish new updates without most important ones, like dynamic font sizes…

Also, the scale property should be able to be set as a variable. It would be great for making logos smaller on mobile.

  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2023

Anyone know if this is coming as an update soon?

  • New Member
  • 5 replies
  • October 10, 2023

Any news on when the new variable features will be available?


Just wanted to add … We need this 😃

can’t wait for it!


+1 I’m also eagerly awaiting V2 w/ image and typography support for variables. Going to be a real enabling feature for our design system!

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