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Hello, my friends,

I created dropdown menu with interactive components because I needed to interact the component with hovering and clicked states and since Open Overlay option does not have Change to option I created it with variants and interactive components. Is there a better or easier way? If it is, help me figure out

The problem is that in the prototype the dropdown in somehow transparent. I am sure the frame is filled with FFFFFF but still. Please see the screenshot

Thanks in advance 😊

Screenshot 2021-12-24 025700

If you want to change one overlay for another then what you’re looking for is called “Swap overlay”, not “Change to”.

It is difficult to know what’s wrong in your file just looking at the screenshot, but I suspect you’ve put the dropdown inside an autolayout? If there are other objects in the autolayout frame then you’ve probably run into a layer-ordering issue.

thank you for reply. I’ve already solved the problem. It turns out that the problems was in layers panel

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