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Hi, I have a laptop of 1920x1080 res. In figma, When I select 1920x1080 frame and test prototype, at 100% it looks big wider than my device. But if I export root frame as photo, then at 100 % it fits to device width.I searched every element in the file. I also tried from creating new file and clearing browser caches. But in 100% prototype still wider than actual device size. Is there any setting trick or file position error or bug? Please reply anyone.

Make sure that the page scale in the browser and in the OS settings is 100%.

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Thank you very much. It was the os zoom ratio that was causing issue. My laptop is of 17 inch screen size. All looked tiny, so I had increase display ratio in os setting to 125%. now everything at 100% works all fine. Though I will go back to 125 % zoom in os and lower size prototype. Anyway, Thank you very much. 😀

I just had the same issue. The solution: there was a β€˜rogue’ element sitting on my page that was living outside of one of my frames – deleting it resolved this.