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Issue: Change the content of a component without loosing the component changes.

Example: I have created a component for a modal window.

Now I create an instance but can’t freely place content inside this modal window without detaching the component and so loosing all the changes to this modal component.

Idea: I created a placeholder component which I add to the modal component. I assumed that I now can create an instance of the modal component and detach only the nested placeholder component.

This unfortunately does not work. The whole modal component is detached and changes in the main compoent are not reflected on the instance anymore because it was detached.

Allowing the user to add content do a component instance would be highly benefitial as it streamlines the process in building designs.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fully Editable Component Instances

Hey there! Thanks for your feedback. I’ve gone ahead to merge your topic with a similar one as mentioned by Gleb.

Our team monitors the forums for topics with the most feedback and votes to prioritize accordingly, so it’s best to keep similar ideas consolidated. Thank you!