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The developers I’ve worked always complained that the prototype fonts werent the same as google fonts and I always thought it was really weird.

Today, I decided to explore this problem and identified that the automatic font brought by the Google Fonts Figma does not combine in several factors with the same font downloaded from Google Fonts. In the case of Lato, rendering, tracking and even font-weight…

Solution found, downloaded the font and use disconnected from the automatic Google Fonts API Figma.

Why it happens?

Having the same issue, it broke our design system for some people who had installed Roboto from Google Fonts website (even the actual version!). But versions pulled by Figma worked well. Seems like it’s better not to install fonts manually that are pulled by Figma not to break anything


Im having the same problem with Lato and the font weights -

the google fonts/adobe fonts weights are different that the font weights on Figma…

Can you add an explanation of how you disconnected the Figma version and reconnected the google fonts version? @Eduardo_de_Cesaro

Thank you!

Found more info in this topic: Why does a font weight in Figma seem lighter than the same weight in the browser?
