In API response snippet to this Figma Design ( ) below, the render bounds are larger than the bounding box but there is no visible indication of this in the Figma design editor. Why does the API give this response and what other situations is this behaviour seen?
"id": "247:25",
"name": "White Towels",
"type": "TEXT",
"scrollBehavior": "SCROLLS",
"blendMode": "PASS_THROUGH",
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"x": -378.0,
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"x": -377.4531250,
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"height": 24.31250
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"vertical": "TOP",
"horizontal": "LEFT"
"fills": [
"blendMode": "NORMAL",
"type": "SOLID",
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"r": 1.0,
"g": 1.0,
"b": 1.0,
"a": 1.0
"strokes": [],
"strokeWeight": 1.0,
"strokeAlign": "OUTSIDE",
"effects": [],
"characters": "White Towels",
"style": {
"fontFamily": "Roboto",
"fontPostScriptName": "RobotoRoman-Bold",
"fontWeight": 700,
"fontSize": 32.0,
"textAlignHorizontal": "LEFT",
"textAlignVertical": "TOP",
"letterSpacing": 0.0,
"lineHeightPx": 37.50,
"lineHeightPercent": 100.0,
"lineHeightUnit": "INTRINSIC_%"
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