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Worst way to roll out ui3

  • August 22, 2024
  • 8 replies


I am writing to express my concern regarding the UI3 update rollout. Despite joining the waitlist early, I have yet to receive the update, while some of my colleagues who did not join the waitlist have already gained access to the new UI. This inconsistency is causing significant disruption to our team’s workflow and productivity, as we are now working with different interfaces. The delay in receiving this update is not just an inconvenience; it is directly affecting our ability to collaborate effectively. As a dedicated user who relies on your platform for critical work, I am disappointed with the way this rollout has been handled. I kindly request that this issue be addressed with urgency. Please prioritize my account for the UI3 update to ensure our team can operate smoothly and uniformly. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt resolution. Best regards,

8 replies

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • August 23, 2024

Hi there! Thanks for your feedback, we understand your frustration. At this time, we are not manually adding anyone to either beta, but please stay tuned as both Figma AI and UI3 are rolling out gradually over the coming months. For more details, please also check my response above. Thank for your patience in the meantime 🙏

  • 4 replies
  • August 29, 2024

I agree, I also joined the waitlist, and I’m still (eagerly) waiting. Meanwhile others in my team, who barely ever use Figma and didn’t join the waitlist, have received access.

The message of “At this time, we are not manually adding anyone to either beta” does not address the concerns about poor rollout of the beta. Why were waitlisted users not prioritised in the incremental roll out? Why were teams’ access to the beta not coordinated?


How can i join the UI3, we have Oct. 20th now, UI3 should be available for everyone now, but i find no link to access or join.

Were do i have to go to use UI3?

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • October 21, 2024

Hi there! Another Figmate moderator replied to you in another topic, please check and continue the conversation here:

Thank you!


Thanks for the quick response, i think i already have the the new UI, where can i look it up to make sure i am already in the new UI?

And if i am already in the new UI, why is the AI/First Draft symbol still missing?

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • October 21, 2024

To make sure you get the new UI3, you can check our article : Navigating UI3: Figma’s new UI

Just to keep you in the loop, even though UI3 has been fully launched, we’re still working on gradually rolling out Figma AI.

Figma AI might not be available in your account just yet, but no worries! As soon as it’s ready for you, you’ll see a notification in the product with all the details.

Thanks so much for your patience while we get everything set up for you. I hope this clarifies!


Its now december and i still cant access first draft, is this normal?


Whats the best way to feedback on UI3?

Very worried UI3 will role out suddenly one day, removing option to use UI2 while UI2 is still the more functional & effective interface. Swapping to UI3 greatly slows down every day design tasks and adds higher risk for mistakes as system status and discoverability have been compromised in UI3. 

Figma also has to consider you have at least two separate user bases now, designers & developers. The latter is using the tool infrequently and large changes greatly affects development teams also.

Please don’t change for the sake of change, make a change based on fundamentals, change slowly but with intent instead of large sweeping changes as in UI3 just for the sake of making something look new.

In summery UI3 seems to make it harder to find things, things are not where you expected them to be making me questions the IA. The amount of clicks required have increased and the status of the document have become harder to see at a glance increasing risk for mistakes.

Please reconsider the UI update.


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