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New Comments not instantly shown on canvas


Since the new comments feature is released. We’ve found out that the comment you left on the design mock is not instantly shown on the mock once you finish commenting and click the “send”. You will have to wait a certain time to see there is a spot (“your comment”) appearing on the mock, which is weird because it gives you a feeling that you didn’t send the comment.

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45 replies


I’ve had this happen as well.

  • 1 reply
  • January 19, 2022

Same here, with desktop version.

This did not happen immediately after the new comments feature was released, but has started to be a problem the last few days.

I find that if I go to Figma → Check for Updates → Reload All Tabs, my comments then show again. But this is becoming tedious. I have to do it several times a day.

Furthermore, I am now finding that even when I’ve been notified (in email) of a new reply to a comment, when I click on the link and the file is opened, sometimes the other person’s comment is actually not visible to me.

  • New Member
  • 7 replies
  • January 20, 2022
  1. My new comments are not visible. This is the second day this has happened. I need to restart the Figma app to have them appear.

  2. Uploaded a video.

  3. Does anyone else experience this? What’s the deal? Bug! 🪲

  • New Member
  • 7 replies
  • January 20, 2022

i have a video of the problem but I cant upload it because I’m a new user. OMG


I created a new frame, added an image, and then started annotating the image with comments. The comment just disappears after I click return. It’s not being saved. tried twice now. I am adding the name of a person who I want to answer the comment in the comment.


I’ve noticed that comments in the desktop app are very glitchy lately. When I resolve something, it doesn’t go away, and when I create a new comment it disappears (even though other users can see it). It seems like multiple people on my team are experiencing the same issue.


Same. Comments are a hot mess in the desktop app.
Seems fine in the browser though.

  • 1 reply
  • January 20, 2022

The new comments are nice but super buggy and slow. Comments don’t appear until some time after they have been posted.

Does anyone else experience this?

  • 6 replies
  • January 21, 2022

If you put your Mac to sleep, open it the next day, while the Figma file is still in the same session, the comments would stop updating live

  • “read” comments are not “read”
  • If you try to add a comment it wouldn’t appear (even though it appears for other users who recently opened this file, so IT IS registering in the backend)
  • “resolved” comments doesn’t appear as resolved
  • Comments cannot be moved around etc.

2022-01-21 10.27.44

This was never an issue before the new comment tool (which is fantastic btw, just buggy)
The only fix atm is to re-open the Figma file, which is a pain when collaborating with someone.

  • 1 reply
  • January 21, 2022

When I am posting a comment, the frame & comment go grey and I do not see my face with my avatar on the screen that I commented. it’s very frustrating as I had the impression my comment was not posted, and I noticed after some time that I could see them on the panel on the right side so I had to delete them manually one by one, really frustrating 😦

Does anyone else experienced this? Maybe it’s only a temporary bug cause I did not have the impression that it worked like that on the other days


This is happening for me as well, no comments are showing after entering them. I used the work around of reloading tabs that @Laura_Lou mentioned above, but this will become a hassle if I have to do that every time I want to check if my colleagues have made comments.

Hopefully this bug can be fixed soon!


For me, comments also happened to show up even after minutes when the internet connection was poor. That sometimes causes me to create a few comments on the same thing…


This is killing me. I can’t collaborate with people when comments disappear like this…

  • 2 replies
  • January 24, 2022

New comments is piece of shit! Why when I click “resolved” I still see this comment?? Why I don’t see ordinal comment number? Why I can’t hide comment?

  • 2 replies
  • January 24, 2022

I have the same


I’m also having a ton of issues with the new comments:

  • Comments don’t show up after you submit
  • New comments don’t show up if the file is currently open (have to re-open the file for them to show up)

These issues are seriously impacting our collaboration and workflow. Please get these issues fixed or revert back to the previous version of comments (until the problems are resolved).


I am having the same issue that was reported in this link in December. I experience it frequently, even after refreshing the page and tabs.

Also worth noting that I have no way of commenting or re-opening the below reported issue.


Figma won’t delete comments. No matter which option do I choose - either resolve or delete thread - the result is always the same - an error “Sorry. This comment is unavailable”. Any clues?

  1. I’ve inconsistently seen comments appear as they’re made, both from my colleagues and when I write one myself

  2. I’ve seen comments disappear for a flash only to come right back after I click the “resolve” button. I’ve also commented something to have it appear for a flash and then disappear. The thing that I’ve found to resolve this is if I quit out of Figma and then reopen. After that, I have a run where I can add comments, resolve comments, and edit/delete my comments and I see it all happen in real time. If a teammate makes another comment while I have it open, though, it’s back to needing to quit out.

  3. Does anyone else experience this?

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • January 25, 2022

Please report bugs to Figma support team via the bug report form.

  • Comments don’t show up after you submit
  • New comments don’t show up if the file is currently open (have to re-open the file for them to show up)

Same issue here. I have to restart Figma often to see the new comments.


Im having the same issue, not seeing my comments after Ive submitted them, this has been going on now for a week or so.

  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
    A few different times I’ve entered a response to a comment and clicked the Submit button but my response doesn’t show up. If I quite Figma and reopen it then then comment appears. (I once entered my response 3x and when I reopened Figma there were three identical responses.)

  2. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)
    Don’t have a screenshot but I’ll try to remember next time it happens.

  3. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation
    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.


I am also having issues with comments (and my team members have noticed the same problems). When I add a new comment or a reply to a comment it does not show up on the canvas. If using Figma in the browser I can refresh and see it, but can’t refresh the App.

Making it hard to collaborate, and my team members are losing confidence in leaving Figma comments


Latest Figma on macbook pro running Monterey 12.1. I am the owner (and editor) of the project.

  • cannot resolve a comment, I clicked the little check icon, the comment disappears for a second then it comes back exactly where it was before
  • cannot see my own replies. i reply anything, my reply appears for one second then it disappears. but the person I am replying to can see it

what is going on and how can I fix this?

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