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Is it possible to copy paste prototype interaction?


Hi, I have recently used XD and found extremely useful the possibility to copy/paste interactions. Is it possible in Figma to select an object with interactions, copy interactions and past them on a different object, even different type of object?

Best answer by Hannu

Granted, this was in February (it’s September now), but unlike @Gleb wrote above, it actually IS possible to copy/paste interactions from one frame to another in Figma!

Not sure was this possible in February, when this question was originally posted & answered, but if you want to copy an interaction from a certain frame, here are the steps to do that:

  1. Select the frame & make sure you have “Prototype” tab active from the right sidebar
  2. Select the interaction, that you want to copy. This is the tricky part: you don’t want to activate the “Interaction details”-popover from the middle, nor especially don’t want to select the “➖” -button, as it will remove the said interaction. I’ve found that the easiest way is to aim for the empty (approx. 10dp?) margin area in the left edge of the sidebar (visible as the lighter blue area, marked with a magenta arrow, in the picture attached):
    When selected, the entire interaction row has the same light blue color, as in the picture above.
  3. Press Cmd/Ctrl + C (or select “Copy”, from the toolbar menu), while the interaction is selected.
  4. Select the frame, to which you want to copy the interaction to
  5. Make sure, that you have the “Prototype” tab still active, while the target frame is selected. Paste the interaction. It should now appear under the “interactions” in the target frame.

Edit: Tested in the Figma browser version, and verified that this same method works there too! (the description above was originally for the desktop app)

Edit 2: Apparently it is possible to copy and paste multiple interactions from the same frame/source with this method! Just have Shift (⇧) pressed, while you select the interaction(s) to select multiple to copy.

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32 replies

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • February 3, 2021

No, it’s not possible. It’s possible, see answers below. However, if your object is a main component, every interaction you create in it will also be propagated to all its instances on the same page.


I find it very confusing in prototype mode where when you select an item that’s on multiple frames, it will highlight in those other frames too. It makes it look like you can set prototype connections on multiple frames, but you can’t. What’s the highlight for?

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • February 11, 2021

  • New Member
  • 17 replies
  • Answer
  • September 8, 2021

Granted, this was in February (it’s September now), but unlike @Gleb wrote above, it actually IS possible to copy/paste interactions from one frame to another in Figma!

Not sure was this possible in February, when this question was originally posted & answered, but if you want to copy an interaction from a certain frame, here are the steps to do that:

  1. Select the frame & make sure you have “Prototype” tab active from the right sidebar
  2. Select the interaction, that you want to copy. This is the tricky part: you don’t want to activate the “Interaction details”-popover from the middle, nor especially don’t want to select the “➖” -button, as it will remove the said interaction. I’ve found that the easiest way is to aim for the empty (approx. 10dp?) margin area in the left edge of the sidebar (visible as the lighter blue area, marked with a magenta arrow, in the picture attached):
    When selected, the entire interaction row has the same light blue color, as in the picture above.
  3. Press Cmd/Ctrl + C (or select “Copy”, from the toolbar menu), while the interaction is selected.
  4. Select the frame, to which you want to copy the interaction to
  5. Make sure, that you have the “Prototype” tab still active, while the target frame is selected. Paste the interaction. It should now appear under the “interactions” in the target frame.

Edit: Tested in the Figma browser version, and verified that this same method works there too! (the description above was originally for the desktop app)

Edit 2: Apparently it is possible to copy and paste multiple interactions from the same frame/source with this method! Just have Shift (⇧) pressed, while you select the interaction(s) to select multiple to copy.

  • 34 replies
  • September 10, 2021

holy **** this is great news, thanks hannu


If they have the programming already done… why not implement it in an official and clear way? I love easter eggs, but this should at least unlock an Xbox prize, don’t you think?

At least expand that slot to safely select and receive visual feedback of some sort…

  • 3 replies
  • November 1, 2021

This reminds me of the times, when special moves in Mortal Kombat were not plastered in the pause menu. Instead you had to try to figure them out yourself, or go outside to check if your friends have.
So… a win I guess?


  • 1 reply
  • May 25, 2022

Is this feature removed? My prototyping depends in it and now I can’t find it since the latest release

  • 56 replies
  • June 9, 2022

It worked for me. That being said, I’m not sure why Figma makes it so difficult (?)

  • 4 replies
  • July 18, 2022

Doesn’t work for me at all on Windows

Luke_Manimala for all the 🔥 figma knowledge bombs


Yeah, doesn’t work for me on Mac either… it just copies and pastes the component.


so you can see what boards this same thing is on, and there can be flawless interactions

  • 1 reply
  • May 8, 2023

Same here!


Works fine here on the Figma desktop app on macOS.

Happy to have learned about this!

  • 1 reply
  • June 30, 2023

To add to Patrick’s comment above, I can also confirm that this method DOES work on macOS!
Lifesaver Hannu 🔥


Thank you @Hannu, this has already saved me 30 minutes and will no doubt save me a load more time. Using variables make sure the selected menu item is the only one in the “selected” state
Didn’t fancy recreating this interaction stack 7 times manually.

@Figma_Support should place a copy button inside the interaction row on hover


I’m encountering a bug where the entire app will freeze as soon as I hit Cmd-C to copy an interaction. Anyone else getting this?

  • 3 replies
  • July 27, 2023

Hi hannu,
try this method to copy past interaction variable form a composant to an another composant like you says
But it copy my old composant instead of the interaction.
Do you know why ?


This worked!! Thanks!!

this is gold !

It just copies the old component for me as well. It looks like it doesn’t work as expected for a lot of others on both windows and mac too.

  • 2 replies
  • September 1, 2023

I’m finding that it wont work on components (copying component /variant interactions, even to a non-component) but if i detach an object from a component and add interactions, i’m able to cmd-C and cmd-V on another object. Which sucks because I wanted to grab the interactions from a component and copy them to a detached instance instead of rewiring. but I’m sure it will come in handy at some point, thank you for the detailed answer.


Thank you. Good to know it doesn’t work on components. That’s why the cut & paste interactions feature doesn’t work for me.


If you need to copy interactions with variables to another file, it will not recreate the variables.
This is why I built a plugin to recreate the variables on the new file, might help some people landing here

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