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Override auto layout direction on the instances


Hello Figma!

I can not change the direction of the Autolayout on the instances of a component. I can not understand why such a great feature is disabled on the instances and why not allow us to overwrite it?

There are so many incidents that I would have wished to be able to change the direction of the Autolayout in the instances of the component but right now I have to create multiple variants. 😦

45 replies


Here is an screenshot

  • 1 reply
  • January 19, 2022

Can’t believe nobody even commented on this. Can’t think of a reason why it’s disabled, please make this a feature.

It would be great to have this option.


I have to create a useless variant for every time I like to change the direction of the Autolayout. This effort could be saved if Figma allows the instance auto-layout direction overwrite.

As you can see in the below screenshot, I had to create a direction variant to be able to change the direction of the instance but the downside of this workaround is that I have multiple source of truth for the same component.

  • 1 reply
  • April 24, 2022

I agree with you guys, will be awesome to have this override enabled =(


I thought we would be enabled to override the instances after watching the Figcon yesterday. It is such a tiny feature request but it has a lot of impact on my design workflow.


Hi guys, how ya doing?

I have the same problems with auto-layout to create responsive components and change the direction of the desktop, for example, thinking about this problem and not creating unnecessary components, I´m creating the content for mobile and for desktop hiding one of the groups. Make sense?

  • 3 replies
  • September 8, 2022

I wonder why you cannot rearrange elements if the autolayout is/is part of a component. It would save lots of time and clicks, having to switch between the component and the design you’re currently working on.

  • 5 replies
  • September 16, 2022

This should definitely be supported. Like a button group will be horizontal on desktop and on mobile will be vertical. So i need to make a variant just for this?

I could swear this was working fine before and its been removed but maybe my memory is wrong.

  • 3 replies
  • November 1, 2022

I only started working in figma since January this year, but I too recall that this was possible and then changed with one of the last big updates.


Currently, if you create a component with auto-layout the directions (vertical or horizontal) are locked on the children of the parent component. When we need to change directions, we have to detach components. Only other way is to create multiple variants with different directions. It would be nice if we could simply change the auto-layout directions on child components when being pulled in design files.

  • Active Member
  • 256 replies
  • January 19, 2023

Also, being able to rearrange the layers in instances would be great so we’re more flexible and don’t have to create component duplicates with minimal changes.

  • 4858 replies
  • January 19, 2023

This request was posted earlier on the forum. Please vote for this idea here: Override auto layout direction on the instances.


Thanks @tank666, voted!

  • 5 replies
  • February 13, 2023

This feature would be great! Much leaner, than using separate a instance of a component with different orientation.


This would be nice to have instead of having to create a variant!

  • Active Member
  • 256 replies
  • April 20, 2023

Being able to rearrange the Auto Layout direction or even the layers one by one in instances would be great so we’re more flexible and don’t have to create component duplicates with minimal changes. Also, I think the slot component workaround isn’t flexible enough and creates many hidden layers.


Please can we get this as a feature like yesterday?! This saves so much duplication work it’s scary and it is such a simple thing too! Please!

  • New Participant
  • 9 replies
  • August 17, 2023

Hello, Figma, direction change for instances, cmon!!!
Yes, wrap + min/max is super, but not suitable for every situation.
Oh, and “Reverse” direction is also needed!

  • Active Member
  • 30 replies
  • September 6, 2023

yes, dire need for this here too 🙏


Desperately need this feature to avoid creating lots and lots of variants for the same purpose 😢


I need this to change the layout for desktop/mobile to make responsive components. The best would be to have it as a variable.


Waiting for this feature to be implemented too! It seems such a trivial thing but now I purposely detach instances to be able to change order in an autolayout because I don’t want to be making variants for one simple design where I need it. And having designs with detached instances seems horror in my mind 🤯

  • Community Support
  • 4603 replies
  • November 1, 2023

Thanks for the feedback, All!

We’ve merged a couple of topics together with similar feedback. We’ll pass this onto our team for consideration.

Hey @dvaliao, just curious incase “we” are missing something, but is there any place the community can track the progress of feature requests? If not, do you have any idea if this was added as for some reason I remember having seen this working but it’s not working anymore. My wishful brain playing tricks maybe!


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