Why does the development mode display differently from the design draft?

Hello @Lentic, Thank you for reaching out about this. We appreciate the screenshots you provided.

Further examination of the actual file might be necessary to investigate the cause of this issue. Could you please reach out to our support team directly here to take a closer look?:https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
When you reach out via the form, please provide the following details:

  • The email address associated with your Figma account
  • Direct links to the files where the issue is occurring, including any related library files, and add support-share@figma.com as an Editor to those files (this will not impact your billing)
  • ​​Please provide a recording demonstrating the issue you are facing. Ensure the entire window is visible, including the properties and layers panels. Expand the relevant layer and select the layers you are having trouble with.

If anyone from our community has additional suggestions, please feel free to share here!
Thank you once again for reaching out and your assistance.