Hi all! When I activate “view resource use,” I see three things: the layers symbol, a bar followed by “0.04 G,” and a bar with a line in the middle. I get that the top item shows the number of layers, but what are the other two? I assume it’s telling me how much memory I’m using plus something else but I’m not sure which is which. Thank you!
Hover over any item on this panel to get information.
Howdy Kestrel!
Correct, the top item shows the total number of layers in your file, and the second item is how much memory your file is using. The third item is like a little live feed of how much memory any current actions you’re taking in your file are using (and then how much memory is freed up after the action is complete). Here’s some GIFs/screenshots to help illustrate:
In the GIF below you can see I start with 356 layers, and when I draw a new rectangle on the canvas the number increases to 357. This is a really light object, so there’s no changes in the memory usage bar because it’s measuring things in gigabytes. You can also see when I draw the rectangle 14 Kilobytes are used, and after I’ve completed that action 3 K are freed up.
And as @tank666 explained, this panel does have labels, it’s just that revealing them isn’t very intuitive I find I need to click on the panel and then hover over the items to reveal their labels. This is the same info as my screenshot above, just a GIF of how to reveal it in Figma:
Thank you SO MUCH @AlicePackard ! I really appreciate your thoughtful and detailed response. Just followed you on Figma and IG
You’re quite welcome! Appreciate the follows
Hello Guys, don’t know if’ I’m stupid or what but I have the option activated but I cannot find what you’re talking about, I dont even see any of the little icons, do you know where I can find this?
@Vincent2 you can find the Resource under View > Resource use. After selecting you will be the view that @AlicePackard is showing above in the top-left corner of the canvas area.
I enabled the Resource Use but I can’t see this on the canvas. Anyone encountered this issue and resolved?
This is my screenshot:
Hey @Mark_Anthony1,
That’s odd. Please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Please use your Figma account email and include and any specific details (i.e. OS, browser or desktop app, etc.) and they’ll take a closer look.
Hi @dvaliao , I made it work by transferring some pages to a new file. I think because my file is too large that it triggers this bug. These are my two files now and working fine now. Thanks!
So glad to hear that! Please let us know if you run into any further issues.
Heya @dvaliao! So what @Mark_Anthony1 and @Vincent2 were experiencing seems related to what folks in the I can’t find ‘Memory usage’ thread that was posted just a little over a week after Mark_Anthony’s reply.
It sounds like this is related to the thread I just started today (May 13, 2023) “Resource use” is now “Memory usage” (when did that happen?).
Seems all has been resolved here, but I just wanted to draw the connection between these threads
Thanks a lot, actually I don’t know why it didn’t show up at the time, but now it works, guess it was a bug