Updating complex library, laggy file, and unsaved changes... How to mitigate?

Hello y’all,

I am working in updating/customising a rather complex library we have internally, usual procedure for a project: 400 variables, 1800 components, etc

We’ve recently phased out styles mostly everywhere and introduced variable usage. Now as I work on it for the first time, mostly updating color variables and it’s usage on components, I’m constantly experiencing lag and “unsaved changes”. My team is experiencing the same but have dismissed it as being what it is…

Is there a way to mitigate this? Anyone else running in to something similar? Or with a similar library size who is fairing a bit better? Slowly losing my mind a bit…

I’am running:
desktop app
in a i7 2017 mbp
on macOS 13.6.9

I am afraid that once you reach certain level of complexity mass long pending updates are expected. Like you change one of the tokens that is bound to hundreds of layers. Most definitely it would take some time for Figma to process the change and update all the layers

such a struggle… having to wait 2-3 min in between every couple changes… how do you deal with it?

I’s the only viable solution separating the library in various files, thus “queuing” the updates to be processed later as a library update? Didn’t feel like digging in to that as that in it self is gonna take a while, and having to publish multiple libraries is not my jam, but this lag is just not it…