Rotate value not exported

Yeah I just tried it and it seems like the API it doesn’t give out all the fields listed in the docs. I tried getting the full file using /file/:key and then a specific node using /file/:key/nodes=125:27 endpoint. I don’t understand what’s wrong…


Ok turns out I just needed to read the docs better. When getting a specific node by id, you also need to specify &geometry=paths query parameter. This returns all the necessary data, such as size and transform matrix. For this specific node:

	"name": "EditUser (Copy)",
	"lastModified": "2021-02-18T23:24:52Z",
	"thumbnailUrl": "",
	"version": "686304844",
	"role": "editor",
	"nodes": {
		"125:27": {
			"document": {
				"id": "125:27",
				"name": "lastNameField",
				"type": "RECTANGLE",
				"blendMode": "PASS_THROUGH",
				"absoluteBoundingBox": {
					"x": 464.59423828125,
					"y": 188.33920288085938,
					"width": 167.38670349121094,
					"height": 120.3416748046875
				"constraints": { "vertical": "TOP", "horizontal": "LEFT" },
				"relativeTransform": [
					[0.83867049217224121, 0.54463905096054077, 464.59423828125],
				"size": { "x": 184.0, "y": 24.0 },
				"fills": [
						"blendMode": "NORMAL",
						"type": "SOLID",
						"color": {
							"r": 0.99583333730697632,
							"g": 0.99583333730697632,
							"b": 0.99583333730697632,
							"a": 1.0
				"fillGeometry": [
						"path": "M0 7C0 3.13401 3.13401 0 7 0L177 0C180.866 0 184 3.13401 184 7L184 17C184 20.866 180.866 24 177 24L7 24C3.13401 24 0 20.866 0 17L0 7Z",
						"windingRule": "NONZERO"
				"strokes": [
						"blendMode": "NORMAL",
						"type": "SOLID",
						"color": { "r": 0.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "a": 1.0 }
				"strokeWeight": 1.0,
				"strokeAlign": "INSIDE",
				"strokeGeometry": [
						"path": "M7 1L177 1L177 -1L7 -1L7 1ZM183 7L183 17L185 17L185 7L183 7ZM177 23L7 23L7 25L177 25L177 23ZM1 17L1 7L-1 7L-1 17L1 17ZM7 23C3.68629 23 1 20.3137 1 17L-1 17C-1 21.4183 2.58173 25 7 25L7 23ZM183 17C183 20.3137 180.314 23 177 23L177 25C181.418 25 185 21.4183 185 17L183 17ZM177 1C180.314 1 183 3.68629 183 7L185 7C185 2.58172 181.418 -1 177 -1L177 1ZM7 -1C2.58172 -1 -1 2.58172 -1 7L1 7C1 3.68629 3.68629 1 7 1L7 -1Z",
						"windingRule": "NONZERO"
				"effects": [],
				"cornerRadius": 7.0,
				"rectangleCornerRadii": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0]
			"components": {},
			"schemaVersion": 0,
			"styles": {}

The full command I used: curl -sH 'X-Figma-Token: YOUR-TOKEN' '' > figma.json