Resolving branch and main file conflict

We had two separate branches, each corresponding to a different task, but both making changes to the same section - the main page of the website. We merged the first branch into the main branch, incorporating its changes into the main content file. We then continued working on the second branch. When we attempt to merge this second branch, we encounter conflicts between the main file and the second branch. If we accept the changes from the main file, it overwrites everything we worked on in the second branch. However, we want to update everything except the parts we worked on in the second branch.

Hi @Dmitrii_Zotov, Thanks for reaching out about this.

Currently, when you merge updates from a branch into the main file, it involves merging all the updates together. Unfortunately, there isn’t an option to select or merge only specific changes.

However, there’s a option to review any conflicts that arise before the merge. Here’s how you can do that:
​​1. Open the branch you want to merge.
2. Expand the menu next to the file/branch name in the toolbar.
3. Select “Review and merge changes…” to open the Branch review modal.
4. Click [Resolve conflicts] to select which version(keep main or keep branch) you would like to use in the branch.

You can check the detailed instruction below:

Additionally, you’ll find a list of issues and solutions related to receiving updates and merging changes in Incomplete merges or updates for your reference.

Hope this helps! If anyone from our community has any additional tips, please feel free to jump in.

Thanks again for reaching out!

A post was split to a new topic: Allow for selective merging of changes