Loving the interactive components so far! Made things much easier. One thing I’m having problems with is that components don’t reset when I restart a prototype. It gets tricky in my case because I’m trying to create a progress bar and if I restart the component the bar will be already on 100%. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong tho, would love to know if there’s a fix for it.
Hey George! Interactive components should reset when you restart your prototype. If you share the file with me I can take a look and see if I can reproduce your issue or perhaps figure out how to get it to work as intended.
The component won’t reset when going back to a previous screen, it works if I reset the whole prototype using R but is not the best solution because it will also restart the whole flow for our users.
Agree, I feel this needs to be something that can be set against a component instance on an artboard - a “Reset on entry to frame” or similar. I’m working on prototyping onLoad animations, so something like this is needed for that. Would also be applicable when revisiting a contact us page for example.
(Default for a setting like this should be off, for things like keeping textbox and checkbox states)
Yeah I also have the same problem. I would like to have ability to reset components to default without restarting a prototype. Or if its not possible i want to have “restart prototype” settings on interaction. Like when “on click” - > “restart prototype”, or something like “on click” - > “reset components”