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Remove auto creating flow starting points


I love the new feature that allows multiple prototypes per page. One issue I’m having with it, is it assumes I want everything to be a new flow starting point each time I don’t link something from the first flow starting page.

It has a very linear mindset. When I work/prototype I tend to work on a section, then link it back and that creates many flow starting points on accident and I have to delete them.

It’d be nice if either - it only created the first one, and doesn’t assume you want many or there’s some kinda preference/setting where I can turn it off.

Do other people delete starting points or have work arounds? Or is there a preference/setting I’m missing where I can turn it off?

54 replies


I upvoted this. Sometimes I do find the auto-creation useful but mostly I’m frustrated by this behavior. I find myself manually deleting most of the starting points that are created automatically because it’s not what I’m going for. It’s hard for me to articulate when I do want them to be created for me, but it seems like it’s always happening at the wrong time somehow.

  • 20 replies
  • August 13, 2021

It’s so annoying, I spend most of my time deleting the starting point, really don’t know why they made it auto.

  • 61 replies
  • August 19, 2021

Agree. The majority of my frames are NOT flow starting points. It is easy to add a starting point manually where we need, no need to make it the default behaviour.


Agree. Only the first one needs to be automatically created. It is easy to create new flow starting points, but difficult to remove. Maybe an easy way to remove those extra starting points from the list of Flows would be good.


Yes, very annoying having to remove multiple starting points for every prototype I create…


Second this, it wastes my time removing flows which were auto created.

  • 1 reply
  • October 21, 2021

Hi! Upvoting the feature suggestion.

Meanwhile, while we are waiting for the feature can anyone suggest a plugin that removes the flows automatically?


Nothing yet? It’s so annoying.


Upvoted. Agree that the multiple prototypes per page is great, but each new frame creating a new starting point by default is hugely annoying. Please give us the option to disable those flow starting points appearing on new frames.

  • 0 replies
  • November 27, 2021

This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.


Sometimes I just want to present the frames as slides and navigate with arrow keys. Even after removing all the interaction from them, sometimes Figma still randomly pick one frame as the starting point of a flow when I click the “Present” button, which means only that particular frame is visible in the preview mode and breaks the presentation.

  • 2 replies
  • February 8, 2022

upvoted! 😃

yeah - this needs to be removed as an auto feature… darn annoying when you send a link of 11 pages and client only sees 2. Ideally a toggle on/off feature in the top menus would be an awesome addition 😃


Is there any way to disable the creation of this the automatically added “Flow 1”?

I have to delete it 100x / day.


Upvoted! And sometimes I got a bug, I cannot delete! It shows nothing on prototype panel, so I cannot delete this starting point.


Same here. Also ‘Flow 1’ points keep appearing back after I delete them and do any action on the whiteboard at all. Makes all my shared links unusable as they turn from presentation of all mockups to a prototype with 1 page, because of this.


Same here. I had to stop making prototypes because of this issue. Very annoying!


Same here! Auto generated flows doesn’t have the area “Flow starting point” with the delete option.


Why has this still not been added… it can be a simple toggle under preferences “Auto create flow starting points”. Figma adds a new flow every time I change a component state, but only if no flow exists.

Very frustrating, I want this off.

  • 9 replies
  • May 3, 2022

Yes. This is driving me crazy. I have complex prototypes to build and having to constantly delete these flow points is a major pita.

  • 9 replies
  • May 3, 2022

I would also add that the ‘flow’ behavior is somewhat buggy IMO. If you’re on the playable prototype, the flow links on the left do not behave correctly.


This should be something that must be explicitly made by the user. It’s extremely frustrating the way it works now.


I year passed, and nothing changed! How can I turn off this stupid auto creating flow points?


totally agree

  • 5 replies
  • June 7, 2022

+1. I would like a simple toggle. I use hybrid presentation/prototype client facing links from Figma and any minor adjustment to a flow drops a start point and breaks the link.


This is driving me INSANE


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