I’m working on a library file and the speed at which the library gets published is random.
Sometimes pushing 20 changes is fast, at others pushing 2 takes >10min or fails. Publishing in the morning is fast enough, but as the day goes it becomes unworkable, which is a problem for our team as it’s not possible to push library updates.
I’m using the desktop app, but the same issue appears on the browser.
Opening the activity monitor, I can see the Figma (renderer) using one of my 8 CPUs at 100% but it never uses the other CPUs. Why is there no multi threading (hope that’s the correct term)?
What can make the publishing time so slow? What can I do to improve it? Is there a way to contact the @Figma support directly?
Are there best practices on how to split elements across different library files ? The fact that moving components from file to file is a bit scary and makes it so that you need to do quite some proper planning, and I’m not sure I understand the constraints.
@h_v_b Hi! I am having also issues publishing a library.
It is a library that can be used by three people at the same time - and it has few variants. However the time that takes publishing which could be even more than 10mins…
I am wondering if you found a solution for a quicker work-flow?
We had also built our library so there were light + dark variants of each component. Removing this option made it all work better.
We plan on using Theemer to build the dark designs. It would be nice to have a native way of dealing with color themes though.
This gets to some fundamental; flaws with Figma. You need to split up your libraries and since theres no good way to migrate components so you have to really commit to the system. But then as the libraries become interlinked (think global library → individual feature library → layouts and explorations) it creates a ton of pushing/pulling just to accomplish little changes in the system. That alone is very annoying, but couple that with degraded performance (generally with Figma over time omho but also as libraries naturally grow) its becoming maddening and creating tons of unecessary work and slowing my workflow significantly.
Publishing updates to a library is way too slow. What’s worse is that the process pauses when I switch tabs/windows, so I have stop doing everything and move my mouse on the tab every few minutes to make sure the process continues.
That’s two problems the Figma team should really fix before working on any new features. Collaborative design library management is a key feature that needs to be stellar in Figma.
Hello, thank you for bringing this to our attention! I understand that it can be frustrating when publishing takes some time.
For large library files, publishing components in smaller batches rather than all at once may be beneficial in this situation.
Additionally, if you are aware of components nested within other components, please consider publishing these first. If there are any large variant sets, please publish them separately before any components they may be nested in.
If this doesn’t seem to help, we suggest to reach out to our support team to directly through this link: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
To assist our support team investigate, kindly provide the following information:
Please ensure you use your Figma account email address.
Share your library file link and add support-share@figma.com as an Editor to those files (this won’t impact your billing)