currently working at an agency and they won’t switch to Figma due to the issue of Internal vs. external comments and how this is solved in Invision with Private Comments. I feel like if we just had private or even levels of permission (admin) comments vs. guest comments
Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?
1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this
Internal vs. external comments are important for the agency I work for. They have comments they don’t want clients to see. Need to fix this! InVision solved this already. With private comments
We also are looking forward to let go off InVision and use Figma for presentations and comments. But at the current state, it seems to be quite limited and not as good to manage as InVision still is.
I really hope this part of the product experience will improve soon…
Private comments on Figma files - being able to select who can view your comments or just having private comments only the user that made them can read.
I’d like a way to document my working thoughts on shared files without the other users being constantly pinged for it.
Would be very nice feature. It would avoid designers, product owners, or clients to see dev’s dark technical comments on how to implement this part of the design…
Hi, I’m not sure how this community work.
But I have a small idea and I’m open to your thoughts
So, my idea is to make private comments. I don’t know about you, but I like to leave comments for myself, just leave my thoughts (or other goals), in the way that I like. At this moment I always need to remember, that people will see them.
Hmm, just notice, a similar topic, but otherwise, I still want to create this topic
If you don’t like this idea or don’t see the advantages, please share your thoughts
Hi Figma community!
It would be great to have an option to set comments to private/internal only, this way the client is not able to see any internal discussions and development notes dropped on the artboards.
I work at an Agency and this topic was discussed multiple times, hope we see a day where Figma finally adds this very basic feature to the comments. All we need is a simple toggle between public and private.
Do you also have a colleague who leaves endless comments on the file? It happens to me too, but many comments could then be just personal reminders or notes that do not actually serve the team’s work.
Wouldn’t it be useful to integrate a function that allows you to add “private comments” that only you can see? perhaps it could have a different visualization from the classic comments, and would not be visible to all.
Hello Figma,
How are you?
I have been using Figma for quite some time and Figma is much better than other tools but I am facing a problem. When anyone makes a comment on my name, that comment can be seen by others. That comment should be shown only to me i.e. the person assigned to it.
But now everyone can see the comments. If you find my opinion good then work on the above points.
We have the same issue in our ORG, Figma please do something about this I need a quick way of taking notes on my design, something quick and simple like Comments !
If you are the owner of a file, you will receive email notifications for all comments by default. If you are not the file owner and leave two or more comments on a file, you’ll be notified about all new comments that file receives.
I find it a little bit strange that if I tag some people in the file for a quick question afterwards when I leave comments to myself they all start by default to get notified about all the activity to the file. I understand the reasoning of making sure they are involved in the design process but I was using the function to keep track of some internal thoughts AND design feedback from the team that do not need to be shared with the rest yet. I was not aware about this default I just realised that there were people in the file after I made some comments a couple of times without tagging anyone.