I have a popup that I have prototyped to open as an overlay. I want the popup to scroll over the underlaying background (i.e. the background should be fixed when the popup is open). I cannot find a way to do this in Figma. It seems the only scrolling possible for overlays is that the content scrolls within the overlayed frame, but I want the frame to scroll over the background instead. Anyone have a fix for this?
Hey @Tina_Eriksson, thanks for reaching out!
To be sure I understand completely, you want your original frame/background to remain fixed when your scrollable overlay is open.
Is that correct? If you’re able to include a link to your file and share it with support-share@figma.com, we can take a closer look at what you’re trying to achieve.
The email adress you shared does not work, I get an auto reply that the adress doesn’t exist.
Hey @Tina_Eriksson, sorry for the confusion!
It is not an actual email address. It’s a Figma account that allows Figma support to have edit access to your files without adding new editors to your current plan.
If you can share publicly, simply add a link to your file here in the forum then share with support-share as an editor. If you cannot share publicly, please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Please use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with support-share@figma.com, so they can take a closer look.
Ok, thanks! I’ve invited support-share@figma.com as editor to the file. Here’s the file: https://www.figma.com/file/AkDfXY50t6lKXgClqNe4VE/Overlay?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=z4G4PM80p0xdZ64W-1
Set the height of the frame “overlay” to the height of the frame “Website” and from Prototype panel for the frame “overlay” set the overflow to Vertical
Thanks, but that’s still not working properly. I can get the overlay to scroll how I want with the overflow set to Vertical, however when I do this, I have to “fake” the spacing at the top or else my pop up ends up with 0px margin top when it opens as overlay, and I cannot control the bottom margin so the pop up ends up with 0px margin at the bottom.
The overlay is also not showing the darker background (#000000 80%) overlaying the underlying content like it should, even though I’ve defined this for the overlay.
I’ve updated my linked file with the described example. Would greatly appreciate if you have a look and can tell me what I’m doing wrong.
I copied your file to my space and made those adjustment:
- Removed the parent frame “overlay” containing the popup,
- Changed the popup height to ((844 - 120), you can add any value here to create the top space gap),
- Changed the width to 390; and
- Changed the overlay settings to Bottom center.
** you might change the instant animation to move in - from bottom, that would give it a nice feel.
and the issue with the background was that your popup parent frame already filled the screen so there was no background to show.
P.S from the position option you can set a custom position for the popup.
here is a link for the file https://www.figma.com/file/q81PScyPOc3tACI4fu8Itq/Overlay-(Copy)?type=design&node-id=13%3A128&mode=design&t=ZUJqo0f6j90JGoj4-1
Thank you for this, unfortunately it’s still not doing what I want it to. I don’t want the content to scroll inside the pop up/overlay, I want the whole overlay frame to scroll over the underlaying content, including the overlay’s white background.
I just updated the file.
Thank you, I really appreciate all your help with this but it’s still not what I’m trying to achieve. If you check my file again I’ve updated it and followed your steps, to achieve the same result but what I want is for the entire white area to scroll over the content. I’m struggling to find a good way to explain what I mean here but if you check my file again and play the prototype, you see how the text is scrolling inside the white background, that’s not what I want, I want the whole frame (background + text) to scroll over the underlaying content. Does that make sense?