New Figma UI - Sucks!

Hi mates! I unexpectedly got access to the beta version of the new UI Figma. After using it for several days in a row I want to share my thoughts on why it sucks.

First, let’s take a look at it.

The most obvious changes:
1. Side panels have been redesigned. They no longer stick to the edges of the screen.
2. The top control panel has been partially moved down.
3. The design system has been updated.

I want to start with the main feeling of it before focusing on the details. I lost the sense that Figma is a program for designers. The lightness inherent in the words “design”, and “art” has gone somewhere. The feeling that anyone can learn this program easily has gone away.

Now it looks like a program for engineers and developers. Boring, heavy, tedious, and uninteresting. All these new endless strokes and contrasting backgrounds on inputs are similar to the well-known services for assembling business card sites, after which returning to Figma, for me personally, was a breath of fresh air. Because Figma is a creative environment, not an engineering one.

What bad exactly in the last changes?

1. Side panels have been redesigned. They no longer stick to the edges of the screen.

Due to this, focus on the work area was lost. There is no feeling of immersion in the project. The project you are doing is the main thing, and the side panels are secondary. Now they are perceived as part of my project. This feeling is especially enhanced when working with a dark theme.

2. The top control panel has been partially moved down.

This is a total shock. For two reasons.

The first reason is that:
All design books and design classics teach us designers that the human eye reads information from left to right (in Western culture), from top to bottom. Now Figma has decided that the key actions should be at the bottom…

Yes, I rarely press these buttons because I use hotkeys. But I see a lot of beginners and people who are not professional designers clicking there to create a rectangle.

In the previous UI, all available actions are in one place, on one line at the top. If you need something, you know where to look for it. Everything is conveniently organized. In the new UI, everything is scattered across different parts of the screen: Creating objects from below, there are also plugins (there is a separate topic about the panel with them), and the dev mod. But share the project, previews, and active users are at the top, and on the panel, which is dedicated to managing the selected object.

The second reason is not less trash, but probably even greater.
Now the available actions with selected objects are located not at the top in the center with large icons, but in the panel on the right, in the second row, with micro-icons of size 24. This was almost the key feature that helped newcomers adapt to Figma. No wonder it was located at the top and center.

It’s so cool when you select an object and see how the list of available basic actions with it changes! In the center, large. There was nothing like this anywhere except Figma. Now this won’t happen in Figma either, because it doesn’t work well with the fancy menu at the bottom.

Hmmm, what to choose a convenient functionality or a fashionable menu to collect likes for Behance?? The question is rhetorical. The answer is clear.

Other points:


Am I the only one who uses them all the time? Why do you need to make a lot of clicks every time to launch something? But the useless console, which I use at most once every 3 days, opens with one click. Yes, of course, there will be AI, but it doesn’t have to be placed specifically in the console, right? :slight_smile:


As before, assets from the library can be added from two places. Let’s finally decide on one. I vote for the sidebar. (Assets panel 2 on picture)

List of pages.

In the new design system, the section heading and the active element are on the same level and written in the same font. Which makes it hard to see what page I’m on. Even if this happens for a split second in my head, it doesn’t happen in the old UI.

Sorry for the Figma team :upside_down_face:


It’s really terrible. I’ve been using Figma for 5 year straight and they somehow managed to ruin Figma simplicity.


I agree. It’s awfull


Extremely inconvenient !!!


I agree with all that you have said. It’s not a well-thought-out experience. From what we have heard from the keynote, they tested themself which is not what designers do, designers need to test designs with real users and not be biased about it.


Horrible. The floating side panels are making me uncomfortable. I hope they add an option to choose the old theme, like in VS Code or other coding editors.


I use Figma every day in my professional work and I have to say that new UI completely ruined my flow. Mamy features changed their position and now I have to spend time to look for them in the interface. Icons for settings or properties also changed so I can no longer easily spot them in this “redesigned”, cluttered space.
Visual hierarchy went terribly down.

Saying that new UI is a tragedy is like not saying anything at all.

Make Figma Useful Again!


This work is example the worst UX ever. It seems strange to me especisaly when you deliver tools for the designers. How could this happen? They don’t have UX designers on staff? Why do we see such strange solutions. I have almost no idea why they do to anything they’ve done. Just questions. And the most important question is why?


FR, like who the hell put annoying nav on mid bottom that distract/blocking my view and we cannot even have ability to move/hide it, frustating.
old one has super better, no center distraction/annoying/floating thing.
L to new UI designer, bad example to UX for an UI/UX app


Completely agree with everything mentions in the original post. I honestly cannot believe who thought this was a great idea. The UX is horrible, and the new menu bars is nothing but a distraction.

I really hope all of this will be reverted, or Sketch might just be the tool of my choice again.


Totally agree on this. Usability has become worse.

  • Sidebars not sticking to screen edge are super distracting
  • Bottom panel block the view and is also distracting
  • Old top bar had comfy functions appearing depending on active object - that’s moved to side panel, and if you have it scrolled down - you don’t see those (surprise!)
  • Many things I could just check with a corner of an eye are now hidden behind clickable panels and dropdowns, or moved to most unexpected places

Please don’t do this to us :frowning:


I absolutely hate the new UI. Why change something that isn’t broken? I dread of having to use it! I use Figma like I play the piano (on auto-pilot) and I feel like all the keys have shifted! I don’t know where anything is and I don’t want to re-learn Figma. I had to switch back to the old UI to prevent an anxiety attack! What may look like a more simple UI is actually a maze of hidden features, just because this UI / layout works for FigJam doesn’t make it suitable for Figma. Every major update from Figma lately has been a disappointment. The Dev mode requiring an Editor seat and now this!


You can revert back to old UI by clicking on the floating question mark in the bottom right corner! I am so thankful for having an option to revert back! The new UI is a disaster!


True! Agree with all the points above. Having side panels not-attached is really distracting me a lot


100% agree with all critical comments here. It looks like a ‘fashion’ update with no regards to usability and everyone involved should seriously consider a career change. My initial reaction was ‘oh great, they’ve found a way to make the workspace even more confined’. Terrible for my aging eyes. I’m moving back to Sketch if the legacy version becomes unavailable.


It is really sucks. Now you need to perform additional actions to do functions like set up constraints or auto-layout… I’m upset by what I see in Figma updates.


OMG, thank you for this comment lol :pray:


Hi everyone, I just wanted to chime in with a bit of further feedback — the thing that made me switch back within the first 5 minutes was frame constraints (left/right/top/bottom/etc) being removed from the right side panel and now being accessible only as a fly-out menu. When working with larger frames with dense UI (desktop, 1440px, for instance), being able to check/set those constraints is kinda crucial to me.

Plus I absolutely agree with that was said about the UI panels not “sticking” to viewport edges. It looks cool at first glance, but I did notice being distracted by tiny bits of content showing through those edge gaps. I welcome the option to resize panels, but the left layer/pages pane was resizeable already and I can’t say I ever had issues with not being able to resize the properties panel to the right.

Anyways, those were my two cents. Hope the Figma team sees this thread and tweaks the new UI accordingly. I’m kinda glad to see I’m not alone in this :relieved:


You can switch to the old UI through the help menu at the bottom right, the ‘question mark’ icon. When you switch, please leave feedback that the new interface is awful and inconvenient.


I agree with what’s being said! Especially regarding the following:

  1. Floating side panels - These are very distracting, as it seems like the panels could be part of the work I am designing as opposed to the app’s navigation/menus, plus the rulers & my designs sit behind the panels which is confusing for the eye.
    Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 10.36.12|682x154

  2. Bottom centre menu - The menu overlaps my work reducing the work area, and also gets lost in my designs. Regarding the ‘Actions’ button, it also requires multiple clicks to find my assets… also, why do common settings live in an area where I am use to only seeing my assets & plugins?

  3. Icon only buttons - The previous UI was very easy to use, as the icon-only button represented the function they had, e.g. ‘+’ = ‘to add’ but now these icons have been replaced with icons representing the object that is produced, e.g. ‘multiple shapes’ = ‘auto-layout’, I find this frustrating, as although this update is sleeker, it requires us to learn each symbol representation (and the action it triggers) as opposed to just using simple symbols we are already familiar with, e.g. + / -