Mobile Prototype Mirroring (but for Desktop)

I regularly prototype using two desktop screens - I like to design with a prototype open at all times to see it in context to it’s actual size. I love the mobile app mirroring feature because it’s easy to select frames and have the prototype view update dynamically.

It would be so so awesome to have a similar mirror feature for desktop, where you have a prototype window as the ‘mirror’ that dynamically updates based on the frame that you select in a separate window.

Has anyone else wanted something like this?!

Hey Kyle - wanna get more clairity on what you’d like to see.

So right now, you can do something like create a desktop sized frame (from our presets), design within that frame, then hit the ‘present’ button at the top.

When the new tab opens up to show you the design, you can actually drag that tab outside of the current Figma window you have open – so you’d be able to drop the preview into your second monitor, make it full screen, and then view that way.

If you move things around on the canvas, the preview will actually adjust to the changes dynamically. Would that help your needs? I may have misunderstood, so let me know if I missed the mark on this one.

Hi @ksn thanks for the response. I already design with the preview on my second monitor.

Let’s say M2 is the full screen ‘preview’ and M1 is the screen I’m designing on.

I would like to see M2 dynamically change when I select a different frame on M1, like it does when you use the mirroring feature using the Figma app.


This isn’t exactly what you’re hoping for because it launches in the editor view, but if you launch your prototype using the on-canvas preview mode (shift + space) as opposed to in regular present mode, it will behave as you describe and change the screen as you click through your design file.

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Thanks for pointing that out. If I were able to bring that preview mode outside of the screen then this would definitely be viable! Maybe that’s the simpler solution. Or maybe I buy bigger screen.