LAUNCHED: Wrap elements in Auto Layout to multiple lines

I also support this idea and I am hoping that this is going to be implemented very soon or at least we will get an additional informations is it planned and for when

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Yes please! Very much want this.

Adding more noise. We want it Figma!

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Someone on r/FigmaDesign created another neat concept for how this might work: link.
I love the idea of applying the ‘Grid’ concept to Auto Layout. This would remove SO MANY redundant layers when one needs to go Horizontal + Vertical, which obviously happens quite a bit.

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Ping Figma devs - comon we all need this!


+1 please :slight_smile:

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Would be amazing to have. It would be nice to create a grid with rectangles and have it auto-wrap depending on what rectangles you hide or unhide.

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Our team really need this.

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This feature would be a game-changer :fire::fire:

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I vote for this as well. Lack of this feature is top reasons for our figma users resorting to all kinds of undesirable workarounds.

Nice feature to have. +1

New to Figma… Was trying to wrap, but couldn’t. Searched for “how to…” Found this thread. Shocked this functionality doesn’t exist already. Yes, please make this available soon! @anon21722796


Adding a +1 on this! I work on a rich text editor and making realistic mockups of it is painful currently!

I want to make autolayout work in more than one direction.

When I horizontally resize a frame with autolayout I want it to shuffle items to a second row.

So if I have 12 items on a horizontal autolayout, and I resize the width to half, it moves the last 6 items to a second row.

I don’t know how useful this would be to other folks, but it would be a cool way of starting to get some responsive behavior into autolayout.

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this is the flex-wrap functionality everyone above mentioned.
I’m a developer and really want our design team to be able to use it in Figma as that’s what CSS flex-wrap does.


I want to create an auto-layout that stacks cards horizontally until it reaches the border of the container, then starts a new row underneath (vertically) and continues to stack items in that row horizontally. As you can see in the screenshot, my horizontal constraint is set to “fixed width” (have also tried fill container) and my vertical constraint to “hug contents”. When I add more cards, the container overflows. Is there a function for this that I’m missing, or a hack that people use (assuming I’m not the only one trying to do this). The only info I’ve been able to find is this forum from 2021 which doesn’t have any answers Auto-Layout -> Make a Grid.


+1! Make this a thing already!!!

+1 This is really needed!

+1 pretty please

Hopping on the +1 train! :train: