LAUNCHED: Dynamic background blur in overlays

Create a component set. It might be a complex thing. But you can achieve the exact background blur result in overlays.

Hey all!
Now it’s available. Presentation mode already supports background blurring for overlays.

A post was split to a new topic: How to enable a background blur within an overlay?

I think there should be a blur effect option in overlay options while creating one! It could be handful sometimes alongside adding dark background & …


YES! The option to blur the entire background OR only what’s behind the overlay would be huge. The application I design uses a TON of Drawer-like components with blurs, and I can never make it look similar without building a Frame the same size as the current working Frame that instant appears AND having the Drawer slide-in directionally on top of that Frame. It’s a messy & hacky solution.

Yes, we need this functionality badly!