Keyboard shortcut for Cursor Chat not available

Just hold Fn while pressing “~”

Finnish layout: Type ’

Hey all thanks for the feedback here. We just launched the International Keyboard Shortcuts beta for German (QWERTZ), Japanese (Kana), and French (AZERTY). Learn more here on how you can participate

This is just the start in working on improving this area, but hope this helps. :slight_smile:

still an issue for me , on swedish keyboard!

Hey @Josefin_Hakanson,

The cursor chat shortcut for Swedish keyboards was remapped to ,
Full list available here:

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In this case, the default is just a bad choice, as it’s almost US keyboard only. I actually appreciate, that Figma usually has good and meaningful shortcuts out-of-the-box. It doesn’t make sense to map my own shortcuts, multiplying the effort to fix that to all users out there again and again instead of one engineer at Figma doing that once.