Jumping to a specific page/frame using a search box

For me the Sketch way is really the best one, combined with a filter by type is such elegant.
I really miss… every day, hummm… no every hour…

Can you please check this related post and vote for it!


Searching by a file’s name is helpful, but It would be fantastic to be able to search WITHIN a file, including pages, artboards and assets.

I have hundreds of files / pages, and thousands of artboards. It’s quite challenging to find the right item at times. Being able to search the artboard or item name would be a huge benefit, as would being able to search text within those pages.


Same, I have no clue why having a search in a file (layers at least) is so hard. I reported it as a feature a couple of months ago and still no go. But it is so weird because it seems so obvious… Everything in Figma has a search, apart from a file. So weird. I didn’t know how much we depended on the feature.

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Funny thing is: there’s already a Search bar in Figma… but it’s in the Assets Tab. :man_facepalming:



Large, complex pages in Figma are difficult to navigate in terms of finding layers, groups, and frames using the layers panel.

I’m looking for a layer panel filter with typeahead to filter out everything but the layer, frame, group, component that matches the text typed into the filter so that the layer panel is less difficult to navigate.

Does anybody else need to find a specific frame, group, object, component, etc. in the layers panel but instead of quickly locating the thing you’re looking you spend a lot of a time scrolling up and down in the layer panel and/or zooming in and out or panning around the canvas?

I know there was a similar thread last month, but I find it odd that Figma doesn’t have this feature. Sketch has had this for years and it’s a huge help in navigating files created by a large team where you may not have created the file, or the file is older and the page is super complex with tons of layers.

Just a command-f (control-f) to pop the cursor into a search field that would live-filter layers based on the text input. The layers panel would convert to displaying only those that match the search field.

it seems a bit difficult to navigate between the frames when there are a lot of them

Allow search by frame

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Hahaha,I just realized it,that’s true

Besides the Search Layer feature, the share link file strongly needs a search in the “Viewer Mode” Otherwise, the handoff document is inefficient navigation for non-designer users.


@Josh Sorry, just have to disturb somebody on this. I just can’t wrap my head around it that there is a search almost everywhere in Figma, but not in the layer list. Is this something very complicated to build? Is there some sort of principle choice behind it? I am flabbergasted, but just trying to make “some” noise to hope somebody will see this and just pushes the button on this.

Cheers :slight_smile:


I was thinking about this idea of an Flag or mark or checkpoint. Often when I’m editing a frame, I go around searching for some elements from other frames and after copying that element, it gets tedious to get back to my initial frame. How about a shortcut to jump back to that Flagged/marked frame? It’ll save loads of time.

Why does Figma make you use plugins for simple features that are a part of every application everywhere? This should be a standard feature, imo.


One guess: It keeps the default software “lighter” and less resource intensive to run.

It’s not ideal but an alternative is something like Photoshop where there are so many features packed into every conceivable space that it becomes a massive bloated titanic that takes 5 minutes to startup.

Agree on the performance goal, but come on, search/replace is such a basic feature. Everyone needs it (as in any decent document creation tool). You should only have to turn to plugins for special features, not core ones.
Plugins are always quite slow to launch and run, which is impractical for simple find/replace operations.


Plus if you only have read only view on a file you can’t add a plugin to search for a screen you are looking for

Plus, the only decent plugin I have personally found is called Find and replace, and it does not work on the entire file – only the current page. Not so useful then.
Please support this, Figma.

I’ve installed five plugins just for text search and replace. None of them is a complete solution (the above-linked Find and Replace comes closest, though I appreciate Change Text for its live preview), and all struggle with large documents resulting in an app that bogs down for many seconds with each input change.

What I want to be able to do in Figma:

  • Locate a text layer containing an arbitrary text string (and then the next such text layer, and so on) – either within selection, page, or document.
  • Replace All occurrences of an arbitrary text string with another string – either within selection, page, or document.

Totally agreed - a plugin? Dedicated to text search? And with no shortcut key? So we really have to right-click for context menu, go to Approved Plugins, and select (from a potentially huge list) the Find and Replace, just to search for text?? Every. Single. Time??

Think about trying correlate text in many button labels, titles, etc., etc. with localizable string keys.

Hey @Eric7,

There may be a plugin in our community that can do this. Here’s an example:

It’s really insane that a layer-based software would not offer layer search. This should be number 1 on the feature request list. Not even hard to implement compared to other recent features.



I really miss the search options I have in Sketch

All the day we are managing layers, so I think it will improve a lot the experience in Figma.

I got all the plugins you think about, but it’s not always fast, and it can’t run with other plugin opens.
Simple example:

  • You can’t run Figma tokens and Similayer and the same time
  • You can’t run Toolabs Design System Manager and use Select by name

Thanks to do something :slight_smile: