I can´t close an overlay, click just doesn´t work

Hello there, im working on a overlay thats triggered after an interactive dropdown, the overlay opens perfect, i applied an after delay to trigger it, but i can’t close it, on the prototype shows me where to click it to close it but it doesn’t work and i dont know why.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-28 124112

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Hey @Lucia_Victoria - would you be able to share a copy of this file/prototype so I can try to replicate (and see if there’s anything buggy)?

If you can, please share edit access to it with support-share@figma.com, and let me know the file name. You won’t be charged when sharing to this email address.

Just a side note: this email is for sharing files only. Any emails directed to it will not get through. Please reply here if you have any questions :blush:

Also if you can’t share, no worries. Just let me know!

Hello! sorry for the late, late answer, i already solved the problem! but thanks anyway for reaching out :slight_smile:

@Lucia_Victoria How did you solve it? I’m having the exact same issue and can’t figure out what I’m not doing right.

Thank you very much!