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Hi! I make a horizontal scroll prototype. I need the cards to stop moving when reaching last section. Now they go way to the right of the screen when I keep scrolling. How can I avoid it?

Hey @Yulia_Mazanova, thanks for reaching out!

I created a simple prototype with horizontal scroll, and everything seems to behave as expected. Are you able to share a link to your file, so we can see how you’ve set up your prototype?

If possible, please include a link to the file, and share it with, so we here in the community can take a closer look and advise.

Hi! thank you for the answer 🙂 I have sent an invitation to the e-mail you’ve mentioned. It’s rather a big file, the frame in question is the very first one, “home1 1920”.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Hey @Yulia_Mazanova, sorry for the confusion!

Support-share is not an actual email address. It’s a Figma account that allows Figma support to have edit access to your files without adding new editors to your current plan.

If you can share publicly, simply add a link to your file here in the forum then share with support-share as an editor. If you cannot share publicly, please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help:

Please use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with, so they can take a closer look.
