Figma prototype UI obscuring fixed website header

Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 15.38.00


+1 for a fix for this! It’s ridiculous that it’s still an issue.


I have the same problem


easiest solution for figma would be, that the bar just pushes down the actual prototype and not overlay it… please fix this!

(also, would be cool, if the fit to screen/fit to width setting would be global, so that clients don’t have to change this, but i set it up for them)


Super annoying. It’s not a bug, just an annoying feature. Yes, there are workarounds, but having an overlay covering an area where 98% of all prototypes have hotspots is just plain evil.


Great, the default shortcut to show the UI again (Cmd-Backslash) is also the default global shortcut for 1Password.

So if you have 1Password installed you basically can’t get back the UI, since it will always trigger 1Password first.

Just make the UI fixed. Make it hideable. Have a small icon you can click to bring it back. Don’t see the problem.


Unbelievable that a UX prototyping app would have such a ridiculously bad UX!

Having the prototype UI overlap the viewport content when most UIs have header navigation defies logic.

Why isn’t Figma doing something about this? It’s obvious they didn’t do any user testing on this feature before releasing it! Or didn’t test it with real users, i.e., stakeholders that aren’t Figma users, or even designers!


Please fix this!

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Bump, please fix this!

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+1 please fix this

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Fix this please Microsoft! Oh wait.


What if there were several view settings for the bar:

  1. where its completely hidden and activated by the key command,
  2. where it collapses down to a icon that floats, fixed, above the design in the lower corner of the page,
  3. where it’s the full bar, but the bar is no longer overlapping the design and simply above the design
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Wait, this has been open since July 2021 with no resolution? Our clients should not have to show/hide the ui in order to navigate around and/or comment.


Why is this still an issue? Over a year and 73 complaints later for such an obvious problem. Please fix this!


As a hack, I ended up just adding a black rectangle at the very top of my frame (that matches the prototype background) to push the header down into view.

I used that hack too until my dev coded the top rectangle into the design -_-
Pleaseeeee fix Figma!!

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Speaking of hacks, here’s what I tried:

  1. From prototype, clicked Share, grabbed the embed code
  2. copied the target URL and opened it in Browser
  3. used the Browser Inspector to target the header. As it was already absolutely positioned, all I had to do to hide it was add :

top: -50px

Unfortunately I would have to do this every time I wanted to make a Figma Prototype presentation. Otherwise it overlaps my buttons at the top. Come on Figma!

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Probably good to specify which “below” we’re talking about. We mean the y axis (top to bottom), not the z (near to far - how it is currently). I wouldn’t be surprised if this language issue was the cause of this in the first place. I imagine this conversation in Figma team meetings:

top manager: The header/content should go above/below the content/header.
Then in another meeting, mid manager to UX designer / dev: why did you put the header over the content???
UX designer / dev: because top manager said “The header should go above the content”.

Or it could just be an email or vague task: “Put header above content”

+1 on fixing this. It’s incredibly frustrating.

No part of the Figma UI should be obscuring and blocking the actual prototypes. Having to find workaround and fiddle with settings for every prototype share is pretty frustrating.

The obvious solution is changing the absolutely positioned Figma header UI to be in-flow and push the prototype content down instead of overlapping the prototype itself.

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FIGMA - Please fix this!!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: