Figma Education Plan Troubleshooting

Hello everyone! Help me please. I am student and I want to verify my education status, but after pressing the submit button I receive this ;(. I hope you can help me(

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Hey @arseniy - I went ahead and created a new topic away from the original one you posted this issue on.

First, I want to double-check: is this the form you filled out?

Hi! i also have a problem to verify educational status - when I follow this link I see this page (screenshot 1) and then I click on “please submit this form” and being transferred to this page (screenshot 2):
Then I fill in this google form > submit and get a message on the screen “Your response has been recorded” but then nothing happens - I don’t receive any confirmation email, nithing, my Figma account still not verified. I tried to submit the form few times but it doesn;t change anything…
I have 1 day left to verify my account.

Posting the second screenshot:

Yes, it is!

Hello! I don’t know if this is the right place too ask for this but I am trying to protect a file with a password as a stutent with the education plan but it asks me to get the professionnal plan. Isn’t the education plan the same as the professional plan so why can’t I ?

Hey @Gaspard1, thank you for reaching out!

Yes, the Education plan is essentially the Professional plan. However, the password protection to a file can only be done on the professional plan and above. This is currently not available on the free starter plan or educational plans.

You can read more about this in our Help Center article:

I do understand that this feature would be beneficial for the education plan as well. Feel free to open a new post as a feature request, so others can share their interest and vote: Share an idea - Figma Community Forum. Our team can look into this for improvement.

Please let me know if you’ve any further questions.

Thank you,

Hello! I’ve signed up for the education plan and when I double check that I’m registered under the plan on the Figma site it says registered. However, I don’t have the option to change any of my teams to the education plan (see screenshots below). Please help!

This isn’t true. Please correct your reply.

The issue @Gaspard1 was likely facing was that the file was not placed in the Education team or the team wasn’t upgraded to Education plan.

To create an Education team, you need to click “Upgrade to Professional”, after that choose Yes for “Is this an Education team?”.