Deprecations: Library update (name) with hidden components problem


I don’t know if some of you also encountered this issue:

  • If my team needs to deprecate a component, we:
    • Hide it in the library
    • Add a "Deprecated: " to the component name
    • Add a description to not use the component anymore
    • Release a library update

The thing is… updates of hidden components (e.g. naming of a “button” component now is a “.Deprecated: button” component) are not pushed into when releasing a library. Instead of the new layer name (".Deprecated: button"), the old name still remains. This makes it hard to identify deprecations. Does this sound familiar? Ist anyone else dealing with deprecations differently?



I’m currently encountering the same issue! I renamed the deprecated component and updated its description but after publishing and accepting those updates into my files, neither of those changes appear on instances of the deprecated component.


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Same issue here. Even searching in the assets panel shows the old name

I know this is super late for a couple of you, but would everyone here be willing to share copies of your files with support so they can try replicating the search results?

You can file a ticket here, and someone will get back to you:

Adding the “.” before the name hides the changed style from the library and wont be published. I renamed all my new styles that were .font-variant-1–xx–yy to just font-variant-1–xx–yy and they are now being published/updated