Copy/Move variable groups into other collections

Yeah, none of the workarounds mentioned here really work as references need to move with the variables. Writing a plugin to do this would be very painful as you would have to scan all the nodes for variable references and repoint them


Please please please, this feature is so needed. it is unthinkable to have perfectly clear ideas about how to set variables from the first moment you start working on them. this constraint makes any change in structure extremely tedious and inconvenient. please release an update on it asap :purple_heart:

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No brainer, this feature is a must have! Be sure to upvote reordering as well! p&ty

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+1 vote here.

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I’m surprised this is still an issue; this is definitely something that we need as we’re all learning how to use variables and will inevitably need to reorganize.

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+1 - Please!! :smile:

I can’t assess how fundamental this feature is.

Bump, please.


Need this feature! :slightly_smiling_face:


Would be super helpful for separating primitive variables into new file without having to redefine all applications across semantic variables.

While, this doesn’t address your issue perfectly, I believe this approach, or something similar could help ease the pain of moving styles and components together.

While not a full solution, I have found the plug-in Sheets to Variables really helpful. Once the option for assigning tokens is added (I think the author is planning on this) they will be even more useful.

Please consider adding the ability to move a single variable or a group of variables from one collection to another. I’m working through how I want to try to organize these and not having the ability to move them makes it a lot harder as I’m figuring this out as I’m doing it.


Thanks for the feedback, @Kirk_Wheeler!

With variables still in beta, we’ll pass this onto our team for consideration as variables continue to evolve and grow.


Still out of votes, sadly, but +1 from me xD

I guess these are duplicates? @dvaliao


This is killing me right now. Trying to fix my variable organization so that it is scalable and follows norms/ recommend practices. At minimum, “Duplicate Collection” would us at least duplicate and remove the unwanted variables


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Please also solve the cases where styles are set with variables. We can have color styles pointing to a color variable. When performing cut and paste, such color styles no longer point to the color variable.

yes please Figma, allows us to better organise collections :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: