I often get email notifications of comments. The only option to reply to a comment is to hit ‘view comment’ in the email. I have a semi-powerful machine, but for a big file, upon clicking the button, I often have to wait 30seconds or longer to load up the figma project, and if I have other things consuming RAM, sometimes my machine crashes at this point.
I’d love to just be able to quickly reply, either through replying in the email or another method which doesnt require me to load up the project again (especially when I may already have the project open in a browser tab or natively anyway). Most of the time the screenshot conveys enough context for me to be able to form a valuable reply to whoever made the comment without needing to context switch back into figma and wait for loading.
What would be even more awesome, would be a track of all the comments (and their relevant screenshots, assuming you store them somewhere) inside the figma mobile app, so if I need to reply to the comment from the email conversation, I can jump into the app quickly and do so. This is of added benefit as:
often a comment relates to another comment somewhere else on the page and I may need to zip over to that other comment in order to write a reply there too
it’s sometimes easy to miss comments via email
Does anyone else experience this? Any other ideas? Are there any Slack/teams/other plugins that do the same for speeding up collaboration?