I created a button component with a hover state. In the component, I added a default text ‘text’ which is also the name of the layer. When I use this component in my design and change the text (‘ADD’) then it changes back to the default ‘text’ when I hover the button in prototype mode. I added a screen recording to clarify the issue
How do I make sure that the adjusted text is maintained after I hover in prototype modus?
Hi @Jip_Asveld1, could you share an example file?
From this entry, it is impossible to determine the cause and find out how your component is arranged (component structure).
There are layer name mismatches in your components that prevent the text override from being saved. To fix this, simply rename the nested components LightMode/Default/min-width btn and LightMode/Hover/min-width btn to e.g. base-btn.