Auto-Routing for Multiple Toggleable Buttons within a Component in Prototype Mode

I’d love a feature that allows for the automatic routing of multiple toggleable buttons within a component in prototype mode. i.e. I have a horizontal autolayout component with 10 toggleable buttons, and I want only one to be active at at a time.

Currently, I need to create a component with 11 variants (1 being all buttons untoggled) and manually route each button push to the variant where each button is toggled. This means dragging over 100 prototype arrows! This is time-consuming and error-prone.

The ability to define these interactions once and have the prototype automatically route for all instances within the component would greatly improve workflow efficiency.

For example, instead of connecting 10 buttons to 11 components manually, the tool would recognize and route them after setting it up once. This would make prototyping faster and reduce the potential for human error.