Hi community!
This is tricky to explain. But sometimes the arrow up/down seem to simply move the Caret Position in the input field to the beginning or the end, instead of changing the selected item in the list. If I hover the list, the up and down selection starts to work again.
Using arrow down to select from all auto-complete searching is deep in my muscle memory, as I’m sure many of yours as well, so this issue has become somewhat if a nuisance to me. I never realized how many times per minute I searched and selected a style or variable before this started not to work.
Could this be something with my trackpad, keyboard, computer etc. Or is it something anyone else also has experience?
Thanks for flagging. I could reproduce the issue! I will share this with our internal team. can’t guarantee anything on our end, but I will give some visibility to our team for consideration.
When typing in the styles search bar, I used to be able to tap the up/down arrow to navigate between the results in the search. Now those arrow keys go to the beginning or end of the text in the search bar. This requires me to use the mouse to click on the object I am trying to select rather than being able to use just the keyboard.
I’m also struggling with this issue and it’s taking me out of my flow. It only started within the last couple weeks and I hope it is fixed soon. For me the issue only happens when trying to navigate search results from a certain library.
My issue is that whenever I type a search in to the fill selection panel, I cannot, for the life of me, navigate with up and down arrows anymore. This used to work all the time, at least for the last 2 years.
Instead of going through my search results, it just goes to pos1/end of text area.
This requires me to get my hands off of my keyboard and back to my mouse, just to select what’s like 20px below the text box.
Tab cycles through EVERYTHING EXCEPT the actual content of that panel. Really asking myself what this is about.
I am also having this issue and would appreciate if Figma could look into it. Weirdly the keyboard handling works when traversing some libraries, but not others. This is a big productivity killer for me as well.
Thanks for the feedback and I shared these with our internal team. We cannot guarantee if it’s prioritized but we will let you know if there is anything I can share with you.
This just started for me and the proposed “solution” of hovering over the list doesn’t work. Is this because of the new UI updates? Because if so it really sucks.
Lol that defeats the entire purpose of using arrow keys when searching. You’re now asking me to remove my hand from the keyboard to use the mouse so I can use the keyboard again
I think it’s a keyboard localization issue and therefore very hard (or at least very time consuming) for the Figma team to investigate and reproduce. There has been similar issues in the past where some shortcuts only worked with US keyboards for example.
People who have reported on this issue, what system language and keyboard layout do you have? (I use Swedish system language and Swedish keyboard layout).
I use the Swedish keyboard layout and switch between Estonian and Danish keyboard input languages and system language is English. No idea, but my error only occurred the day they announced UI3…
Whenever I change a color of a text for example, I will type in the color name and search it in my library. After searching I will use the keys [down] to navigate to the right shade. After the update the up and down key doesn’t work anymore and it is making color selection more cumbersome.
It still works for text style selection so maybe it is a bug? Is anyone experience the same?