An issue with instance color when switching between modes

Hello! I have two issues to report

Issue 1

Brief Description
When switching a component instance to a different mode, the icon color resets to its default value. However, if both the instance and the master component are set to the same mode, the icon color displays correctly.

Detailed Description
1.1 I created two icon components with variants for each icon (the names of the variants, layers, and icon colors are identical).
1.2 I created variables for the icon color and icon variant, and also created two modes, Mode 1 and Mode 2, to switch the color and variant.
1.3 I copied an instance of the icon component and applied variables for its color and variant.
1.4 When switching between Mode 1 and Mode 2 at the instance level, the icon color and variant switch correctly.
1.5 I created a button component, nested the icon component instance inside it, and applied variables to the icon instance.
1.6 I set Mode 1 for the master Button component.
1.7 I copied an instance of the Button component and switched it to Mode 2.
1.8 When switching to Mode 2, the icon color resets to its default value (as set in the master icon component).
1.9 I switched the master Button component to Mode 2 (while its instance remained in Mode 2).
1.10 The icon color in the Button component instance now displays correctly (provided both the master Button component and its instance are set to Mode 2).

Issue 2

Brief Description
When changing the icon instance and then switching modes, the icon color permanently resets to its default value (variable disconnected).

Detailed Description
2.1 The master Button component and its instance are set to the same mode, Mode 2. I replaced the icon in the instance with a different one.
2.2 The icon color remained unchanged, the icon was replaced, and everything worked as expected.
2.3 I switched the mode of the master Button component to Mode 1, while the instance remained in Mode 2. The icon color in the master component changed, while the color in the instance remained unchanged. This behavior is correct.
2.4 I switched the Button component instance to Mode 2. The icon color reset to its default value.
2.5 I switched the Button component instance back to Mode 1. The icon color remained default. Subsequent mode switches did not restore the icon color; it remained permanently reset.

A videos demonstrating these bugs are attached.

We are working with a multi-brand design system that uses different sets of icons for each brand. This bug significantly complicates our workflow.

We look forward to your prompt response.