Alignment Options in Image Fills

+100 from me. Be cool and make this happen. You wanna be cool, don’t ya?

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+1 Yes, that can be a simple and useful option.

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This suggestion is perfectly presented and is a feature that is sorely missed.


Hi there, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on image fill properties. I completely understand how helpful this feature would be!
I have shared your feedback internally for future consideration. Your input is truly valuable to us, so please feel free to vote!



Just posting to show my annoyance. 3 years and still no movement on this simple request

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Bumping this up as a feature I would love to see. Running into a situation right now that this would easily solve!


I face it daily. Working across multiple sizes i have to resort to crop…which then manipulates the image and allows for incorrect scaling which may be missed in dev>production. Seems so simple…would love someone explain why this is not a priority?


Sorry, but this has to be revived. This need appears again and again and again. It is incredible how Figma has such complex features and this basic one is forgotten.

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I can’t believe this hasn’t been resolved yet. I have a component which could be eight variants but because this simple solution hasn’t been looked at, I have to have 50 variants to manually manage the width. :hot_face:

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This feature is a must for creating powerful and responsive design systems. I’m continuously baffled that Figma users have to wait for something so integral to our work, especially considering that imagery is a good portion of our design.

The following hacks/plugins from the community are at least a great workaround for responsive image ratios that work well with fill+fit style imagery. The ability to set image crops that do not warp your images when swapping image ratios would be next level.

Image ratio hack from Vitalii

Image ratio plugin from Area17


3 years and still no movement or official response. Time to move to penpot everyone…no ones home at Figma

Just as I thought. Figma is turning into Adobe - prepares fancy features, abandoning basic functions.

I will raise you one: we should be able to use Images as Component Variants. We are often designing complex marketing sites. The way we manage it now is a time consuming workaround. We have to create shapes, manage the fills and the fill styles, and then make them Component Variants. We should just be able to add our Image Library and allow swaps the same way we do with Components.


Wating for this a long time

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Would love to see this functionality, too!